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Как модификация силаном улучшает адгезионные свойства олефинового сополимера в фотоэлектрической пленке?

Silane modification is essential for improving the olefin copolymer’s adhesive capabilities in solar encapsulation film. By adding silane compounds to the polymer matrix, this modification approach improves the adhesion between the encapsulation film and other solar module components. The methods of silane modification and their effects on the adhesive qualities of olefin copolymers in solar encapsulation film will be discussed in this paper.

1. Comprehending Silane Modification: Silane modification is a surface preparation method that includes silane chemicals functionalizing polymers. Silanes are perfect for boosting adhesion because of their exceptional capacity to connect with both organic and inorganic materials. A reactive group, like an amino or epoxy group, is generally included in the silane compounds employed in this technique, allowing them to interact with the polymer matrix and other surfaces.

2. Mechanisms of Adhesion Enhancement: Silane modification improves the olefin copolymer in the solar encapsulation film’s adhesive qualities in a number of ways. First, covalent bonds are formed when the reactive groups on the silane compounds react with the polymer matrix. The interfacial adhesion between the encapsulation layer and other parts, such the glass substrate or backsheet material, is improved by this chemical bonding.
3. Better Wetting and Spreading: Silane modification additionally enhances the olefin copolymer’s wetting and spreading properties. The polymer matrix can spread more uniformly over the substrate because the presence of silane compounds lowers the surface tension of the matrix. This higher wetting promotes greater adhesion by ensuring better contact between the encapsulation film and other components.


4. Crosslinking and Network development: Crosslinking and network development are two additional ways that silane modification improves adhesion. The silane compounds’ reactive groups can interact with many polymer chains to produce crosslinks. The polymer matrix becomes three-dimensionally networked as a result of these crosslinks, enhancing cohesion and strength. The encapsulation film’s overall adhesion qualities are improved by this network development.
Silane modification has the benefit of being compatible with a variety of substrates that are often used in solar modules. Silane compounds can successfully connect with surfaces made of glass, metal, or polymers. Because of their adaptability, olefin copolymers may be used to create a variety of encapsulation film patterns, resulting in a strong bond between the film and the substrate of choice.

The olefin copolymer in the solar encapsulation film may be improved to have better adhesion characteristics using the very effective silane modification method. The silane modification greatly enhances the adhesion between the encapsulation layer and other parts of a solar module through chemical bonding, enhanced wetting, crosslinking, and compatibility with various substrates. The overall performance and endurance of the module are improved by these improved adhesive characteristics, making silane modification an essential step in the creation of solar encapsulation films.

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