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Как совместимость кабельных материалов улучшает характеристики кабеля?

A substance called a cable material compatibilizer is applied to cable materials to enhance their functionality and compatibility with other materials. It aids in boosting the cable materials’ overall efficiency by enhancing their mechanical strength, thermal stability, and electrical qualities.

Improved material compatibility between those employed in the design and production of cables is the main goal of cable material compatibilizers. Metals, polymers, and rubber are frequently used in the manufacture of cables, and it can be challenging to get all of these components to function well together. By ensuring that all of the components in a cable will function well together, cable material compatibilizers serve to increase the overall performance and dependability of the cable.

The increased mechanical strength that comes with utilizing a cable material compatibilizer is one of its main advantages. Cables are frequently put under a lot of mechanical stress, including bending, twisting, and stretching. The cable can be strengthened and made more resilient to these kinds of pressures by adding a cable material compatibilizer. By doing so, the cable’s lifespan can be increased and the risk of failure decreased.

Improved thermal stability is a key advantage of cable material compatibilizers. intense cold and intense heat are only two of the conditions to which cables may be subjected. The components of the cable may expand or compress as a result, which may cause cracking, splitting, or other sorts of damage. A cable material compatibilizer can assist avoid damage and assure dependable performance over time by improving the materials’ resistance to temperature variations.

Cable material compatibilizers can enhance the mechanical and thermal stability as well as the electrical characteristics of cables. This is especially crucial for cables used in high-voltage systems, such power transmission lines. The electrical characteristics of these cables can be improved to increase their effectiveness and decrease energy losses during transmission.

Low-smoke halogen-free flame-retardant cables have slow spreading speed, low smoke concentration, high visibility, and small release of harmful gases in case of fire, which is convenient for personnel to evacuate. The corrosiveness of the combustion gas is small, and the damage to the equipment is also avoided.



The low-halogen and halogen-free characteristics greatly improve the aging resistance, ultraviolet resistance and other radiation resistance of the cable material, and the service life is also longer.

Coace‘s W1L is a general-purpose LLDPE-g-MAH product with excellent comprehensive properties. The terminal has the reactivity and strong polarity of maleic anhydride polar molecules. It can improve the interface affinity between polyolefin base material and inorganic substances such as mineral powder, inorganic flame retardant, wood powder, starch, etc. It can enhance the strength of composite materials, and is widely used in low-smoke halogen-free flame retardant cable materials.

Overall, anybody involved in the design and production of cables must take the usage of cable material compatibilizers into account. These compounds contribute to the durability, dependability, and performance of cables by enhancing the compatibility and performance of cable materials. Using a cable material compatibilizer may assist to ensure that your cables will operate at their best, even under the most difficult circumstances, whether you are working on power transmission lines, data cables, or any other sort of cable.

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