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Фокус ведет к успеху: Опыт Xiaomi SU7 в развитии глобальных новых энергетических транспортных средств

With the unveiling of the Xiaomi SU7, a new discussion regarding new energy vehicles has sparked great interest throughout the world. The release of the Xiaomi SU7 has surely contributed new life to the market and given users additional options. At the same time, Xiaomi’s technology accumulation and innovation capabilities in the sphere of smart gadgets provide it a distinct advantage in the creation of new energy vehicles. This endeavor by Xiaomi might have a significant impact not only on the company, but also on technological innovation and market expansion in the entire new energy vehicle industry.



In China, the development of new energy vehicles has become part of the national agenda, and the government’s policy support, combined with the market’s positive response, has accelerated the field’s growth. Although the development trend of new energy vehicles is diverse around the world, China’s new energy vehicle industry has developed rapidly, particularly through continuous investment and qualitative leaps in technology research and development and product strength, giving it a competitive advantage in global competition.
This is inextricably linked to many Chinese new energy vehicle firms’ ongoing, high-quality investment in technical research and development as well as product strength. They are deeply involved in the field of new energy, and through continuous technological innovation and product upgrades, they not only meet the market’s and consumers’ needs for high-performance and intelligent vehicles, but also help to develop the global new energy vehicle industry.



As a firm that specializes in polymer material additives, we understand the necessity of nurturing unique fields and fostering technological innovation in order to promote industry growth. COACES has been investing in R&D for over ten years. Our innovations and solutions also contribute to the growth of the new energy automobile sector by assisting partners in resolving technical issues and embracing the green transformation of the automotive industry. Our technology and solutions in the field of new energy vehicles help increase battery performance, reduce vehicle weight, improve safety performance, and so on, all of which contribute significantly to the automotive industry’s transition and upgrading.


This product is a novel form of PP-g-MAH compatibilizer with decreased odor, residue, and TVOC that can be utilized in automotive door panels.



This product is a PPO-g-MAH compatibilizer that is primarily used in PA/PPO alloys to improve PA and PPO compatibility. This material is suitable for automotive fenders, wheel hub exteriors, and fuel tank tops, among other applications.




This product is a maleic anhydride-grafted polymer that is primarily used to toughen nylon. It possesses excellent elastic modulus, fatigue resistance, and aging resistance, making it suitable for usage as car ties.



In the future, we will retain the philosophy of focus and innovation, delve into polymer material science, and expand the possibilities for new energy vehicles and other industries.
We also hope to collaborate with our global partners to study the use of new technologies and drive the automotive industry and society as a whole toward a greener, smarter, and more efficient future.

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