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COACE встречает вас на Международной выставке пластмасс и каучука 2024

We are excited to invite you to the 2024 International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries.

Номер стенда: 1.2D17

Адрес: Китайский национальный выставочный центр Hongqiao

Дата: 2024.04.23-04.26



At our booth, we will be displaying a wide selection of innovative solutions designed specifically for the plastics industry. Our focus will be on compatibilizers, tougheners, and functional additives, which are critical components that improve the performance and adaptability of materials in various industries.

Compatibilizers are crucial chemicals that improve the compatibility of various polymers, allowing for the construction of stronger and more lasting composite materials. These products serve an important role in guaranteeing the integrity and longevity of various plastic and rubber products.

Tougheners are another important component of our solutions. These additives are intended to strengthen materials against impact and wear, and they greatly improve the toughness and resilience of finished goods.

Furthermore, our most popular products this time are multi-layer co-extruded films and photovoltaic film additives, which will startle the multi-layer packaging industry in the next era, particularly food packaging and photovoltaic film reforms!

Participating in the 2024 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ON PLASTICS AND RUBBER demonstrates our dedication to industry innovation and collaboration. We are excited to connect with other experts, exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations. This event provides an opportunity for us to exhibit our commitment to offering cutting-edge solutions that promote advancement and sustainability.

Join us at Stall No. 1.2D17 as we embark on this amazing voyage through Plastics. Let us work together to define the future of plastics applications via innovation and knowledge.

Чтобы узнать больше о нашей продукции и услугах, пожалуйста, посетите наш сайт или свяжитесь с нами напрямую. COACE с нетерпением ждет встречи с вами на этом главном событии в HONGQIAO!


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