Продукция компании Coace, продуктовые линейки и семейства продуктов
Высокотехнологичное предприятие, объединяющее НИОКР, производство и реализацию полимерных материалов, специализирующееся на НИОКР, производстве, реализации и обслуживании полимерных совместителей и упрочнителей.
Polymer mechanical, thermal, and chemical resistance characteristics are strongly influenced by MAH functionalization.
Maleic anhydride functionalized additives have compatibility and bonding effects in polymer matrices that are influenced by a variety of molecular interactions, surface energy changes, and chemical bonding mechanisms.
The performance of polymers and materials can be significantly improved by adding functionalized maleic anhydride additions.
The adhesion qualities of polymers in composite materials are dramatically affected by MAH functionalization, which enhances interfacial bonding, compatibility, and performance.
In the automotive, packaging, and electronics industries, MAH-functionalized polymers have become valuable materials with a variety of uses and advantages.
To maximize their performance and stability, polymer blends must have improved compatibility.
It is possible to employ PP impact strength improvement compounds in conjunction with other additives to improve PP performance.
PP impact strength improvement additives are essential for enhancing polypropylene’s mechanical qualities.
Compatibility in polymer blends is greatly influenced by the molecular weight of the individual polymers.