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Что такое POE-g-MAH и как он может изменить автомобильную промышленность?

In recent years, the automobile industry has made extensive use of POE-g-MAH, also known as Polyolefin Elastomer-g-Maleic Anhydride.  The meaning of POE-g-MAH Maleic anhydride and …

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Development status of modified plastics in the automotive industry

At present, light weight, energy saving, environmental protection, aesthetics and comfort are the development directions of the automobile industry. Plastics are increasingly favored by the …

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What is PP/PE Grafting Maleic Anhydride Resin Modifier ?

PP/PE grafting maleic anhydride resin modifier is a valuable resin modifier that improves the performance of medical and consuming packaging.

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Expanding Possibilities: The Versatile Applications of PE-g-MAH

A potent polymer addition known as PE-g-MAH (Polyethylene-grafted-Maleic Anhydride) has evolved, revolutionising the capabilities of polyethylene (PE) products across a variety of sectors. PE-g-MAH presents …

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Что такое сверхнизкотемпературные отвердители

These tougheners are intended to improve the mechanical characteristics of materials, making them more resilient to cracking, breaking, and other types of damage that may happen at below-freezing conditions. Advantages of Low Temperature Tougheners For materials that are subjected to sub-zero temperatures, ultra-low temperature tougheners provide a number of advantages. Improved toughness—the capacity …

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Unlocking the Potential of PE-g-MAH: Enhancing Applications Across Industries

The versatility and superior performance of PE-g-MAH (Polyethylene-grafted-Maleic Anhydride) has revolutionised the possibilities of polyethylene (PE) products. For companies looking for improved performance and sustainability, …

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PP-g-MAH: Unleashing the Power of Polypropylene with Enhanced Performance

PP-g-MAH (Polypropylene-grafted-Maleic Anhydride) has been a game-changing addition to the world of polymer additives. The performance and adaptability of polypropylene (PP) are improved by this …

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Фотоэлектрический клейкий пленочный материал POE продукты и статус применения

POP has exceptional co-extrusion qualities because of its outstanding heat sealing abilities and good compatibility with other resins.

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POE-g-MAH: Revolutionizing Product Applications with Multifunctionality and Durability

A game-changer in the constantly changing world of materials and polymers is POE-g-MAH (Polyolefin Elastomer-grafted-Maleic Anhydride). This adaptable polymer additive, which boasts multi-functionality, durability, and …