Продукция компании Coace, продуктовые линейки и семейства продуктов
Высокотехнологичное предприятие, объединяющее НИОКР, производство и реализацию полимерных материалов, специализирующееся на НИОКР, производстве, реализации и обслуживании полимерных совместителей и упрочнителей.
In recent years, the automobile industry has made extensive use of POE-g-MAH, also known as Polyolefin Elastomer-g-Maleic Anhydride. The meaning of POE-g-MAH Maleic anhydride and …
At present, light weight, energy saving, environmental protection, aesthetics and comfort are the development directions of the automobile industry. Plastics are increasingly favored by the …
PP/PE grafting maleic anhydride resin modifier is a valuable resin modifier that improves the performance of medical and consuming packaging.
A potent polymer addition known as PE-g-MAH (Polyethylene-grafted-Maleic Anhydride) has evolved, revolutionising the capabilities of polyethylene (PE) products across a variety of sectors. PE-g-MAH presents …
These tougheners are intended to improve the mechanical characteristics of materials, making them more resilient to cracking, breaking, and other types of damage that may happen at below-freezing conditions. Advantages of Low Temperature Tougheners For materials that are subjected to sub-zero temperatures, ultra-low temperature tougheners provide a number of advantages. Improved toughness—the capacity …
The versatility and superior performance of PE-g-MAH (Polyethylene-grafted-Maleic Anhydride) has revolutionised the possibilities of polyethylene (PE) products. For companies looking for improved performance and sustainability, …
PP-g-MAH (Polypropylene-grafted-Maleic Anhydride) has been a game-changing addition to the world of polymer additives. The performance and adaptability of polypropylene (PP) are improved by this …
POP has exceptional co-extrusion qualities because of its outstanding heat sealing abilities and good compatibility with other resins.
A game-changer in the constantly changing world of materials and polymers is POE-g-MAH (Polyolefin Elastomer-grafted-Maleic Anhydride). This adaptable polymer additive, which boasts multi-functionality, durability, and …