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Effects of Different Structure Elastomers on the Toughening Properties of Nylon

On the impact strength of PA6 toughened composite products, the effects of SEBS, EVA, POE, and their matching maleic anhydride grafts were compared.

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Как малеиновый ангидрид, привитый SEBS, применяется в медицинской промышленности?

Introduction A polymer substance that is frequently employed in the medical sector is SEBS grafted maleic anhydride. It may be used in medical equipment, medical …

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10 points to pay attention to in nylon modification!

As a result, a combination of screws, barrels, rubber heads, rings, and gaskets that have excellent wear resistance and powerful feeding capacities must be used.

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How SEBS-GAH is applied to plastic modification and compatibilization

SEBS-g-MAH is a useful tool for improving and changing the characteristics of polyolefins, enabling increased usage of these materials in a wider variety of applications.

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Всестороннее исследование модификации полимерных смесей

The plastic mixes created via modification should guarantee the end-user’s and the application’s safety.

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How to improve the dimensional stability of automotive polypropylene materials?

Maleic anhydride grafted PP (PP-g-MAH) can be used as a compatibilizer to make the polymer chains entangle with one another, interpenetrate, and mix with the filler at the same time, improving the interfacial binding force between the filler and PP.

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Восемь аспектов позволят вам овладеть ключом к эластомеру, упрочненному нейлоном!

Модуль упругости эластомера в виде рассеянной фазы повышается, что негативно сказывается на упрочнении.

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Как применять упрочняющий компатибилизатор EMA GMA

так называемый компатибилизатор, который вводится в несовместимую полимерную систему и определенным образом, с точки зрения термодинамики, может рассматриваться как поверхностно-активное вещество.

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Discussion on issues related to plastic compatibilizers

Graft copolymers, such as MAH, acrylic acid, butyl acrylate, amine acrylate, methyl methacrylate (MMA), methacrylic acid Glycidyl ester (GMA), etc.,