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Применение функциональных добавок в упаковочных материалах

When it comes to prolonging the shelf life of a variety of items and still maintaining their quality, the materials used for packaging play a significant influence. It has come to the attention of many people that the introduction of functional additives into packaging materials is a way to improve the functionality and performance of these materials. In order to improve the functionality and performance of packaging materials, functional additives play a vital role in developing these materials. For the purpose of providing particular capabilities, such as barrier qualities, antibacterial activity, UV protection, and sustainability, these additives are included into packaging films, coatings, or other materials.

The composition of the materials used for packing

Several of the materials that are now used for packaging food and medicine make use of multi-layer co-extruded composite films. This is done in order to extend the shelf life of various substances, including food and medicine. There are already composite packaging materials available in a variety of layers, including two-layer, three-layer, five-layer, seven-layer, nine-layer, and even eleven-layer variations.

The following are examples of structures that are now in widespread use:
both polyethylene and polyethylene
Polyethylene/ethylene-ethylene acetate copolymer/polypropylene LDPE/adhesive layer/EVOH/adhesive layer/LDPE EVOH/adhesive layer/EVOH/adhesive layer/LDPE EVOH/adhesive layer/EVOH/adhesive layer/LDPE



Various barrier films’ structures and compositions

In most cases, the barrier layer of low barrier films is composed of polyethylene/polyethylene or polyethylene/POE.
In most cases, there are three layers.
For the most part, PA and PET are used as the barrier layer in medium barrier film, which typically consists of five layers.
When it comes to high barrier films, EVOH is typically used as the barrier layer, and there are typically more than seven layers.

When it comes to high barrier films, the function of adhesives

By achieving high barrier effects against oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, odours, and other substances, EVOH possesses outstanding barrier characteristics not only against gases but also against oils.
It is necessary to add some adhesive layers between the base layer resins and the functional layer resins in order to create a “integrated” composite membrane. This is because the base layer resins and functional layer resins have a low affinity for one another.

The molecular chain of the primary component of COACE’s K2B is composed of vinyl acetate monomer, which facilitates the reduction of
Дополнительное улучшение характеристик термозапечатывания композитной пленки достигается за счет кристалличности полиэтилена.



Concerning the compatibilizer’s function within the barrier film

W1L от COACE - это материал, основанный на полиэтилене, в который был привит MAH. Этот процесс придает полярность цепи, которая в противном случае является неполярной.




In the case of polar materials and non-polar materials, the side group functions as a bonding agent.
Within composite membranes made of polypropylene, polyolefin, and nylon, W1L has the potential to serve as a connecting component.
The adhesion between the base resin and the functional layer resin is significantly improved as a result of the amino reaction that the MAH and nylon undergo simultaneously.

When it comes to improving the functionality and performance of packaging materials, functional additives are an extremely important determining factor. These additives contribute to the safety of food, the extension of shelf life, the differentiation of products, and the environmental sustainability of the environment through their uses in barrier enhancement, antimicrobial activity, ultraviolet (UV) protection, active and intelligent packaging, and sustainability considerations. Further advancements in the capabilities of packaging systems will be made possible by the ongoing research and utilisation of functional additives in packaging materials. This will enable the industry to fulfil the ever-changing demands of consumers, increase product integrity, and lessen its impact on the environment.

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