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Применение адгезивов в высокобарьерных пленках

In the production of high barrier films and in their overall performance, adhesives are an extremely important component. As a result of their remarkable barrier characteristics against moisture, oxygen, light, and other pollutants, these films find widespread application across a variety of industries, including agriculture, medicines, and food packaging, among others. Effective adhesion, compatibility, and stability are provided by adhesives that have been specifically designed for high barrier films. These adhesives guarantee that the final package structure will maintain its integrity and functionality. The purpose of this article is to investigate the various applications of adhesives in high barrier films, specifically focusing on their contributions to the protection of products, the extension of shelf life, the preservation of the environment, and the manufacturing efficiency.

Barrier Films That Have Been Laminated

The lamination process is generally considered to be one of the most important applications of adhesives in high barrier films. Creating a composite structure with improved barrier qualities can be accomplished through the use of adhesives, which are used to attach multiple layers of barrier films together. The sticky layer functions as an efficient barrier against the intrusion of oxygen and moisture, so avoiding the rotting of the product and ensuring that it remains fresh. When it comes to the packaging of sensitive products, such as perishable food items, pharmaceuticals, and electronic components, laminated high barrier films are utilised extensively through their extensive use.


Methods of Closure and Sealing Systems

When it comes to sealing and closing systems for high barrier films, adhesives are components that are absolutely necessary. They are utilised to generate seals that are both strong and secure between layers of film, as well as to bond films to other materials that are utilised for packing, such as trays or lids. In order to maintain the package’s integrity and prevent the introduction of any external contaminants, the glue creates a strong link between the various components. When it comes to preserving product quality and increasing shelf life, efficient sealing and closing solutions are absolutely necessary. This is especially true in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Coatings in the Barrier

Barrier coatings that are placed on the surface of high barrier films typically contain adhesives for the purpose of adhesion. The use of these coatings offers supplementary defence against pollutants such as oxygen, moisture, and other environmental elements. Barrier coatings that are based on adhesives provide strong adhesion to the surface of the film, which guarantees both long-term stability and barrier performance. High barrier films that have been coated with a barrier are frequently employed in applications that are anticipated to come into direct contact with external elements. Some examples of these applications include agricultural films, industrial packaging, and outdoor signage.

Glue-based labels and adhesive tapes

In order to manufacture adhesive tapes and labels for high barrier films, adhesives are utilised in the production process. Among the many functions that these tapes and labels perform, some of the most important ones include product identification, branding, and tamper-evident characteristics. When it comes to high barrier films, adhesives that are used in tapes and labels offer a strong adherence to the surface of the film, which guarantees a stable connection and long-lasting durability. In addition to this, they preserve the barrier characteristics of the film, which prevents the entry of moisture or impurities via the region where the tape or label is attached.


Considerations related to sustainability

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important consideration for adhesive systems used in high barrier films. Manufacturers are working to develop environmentally friendly adhesives that have a smaller impact on the environment. Some of these adhesives may contain components that are bio-based or renewable, have lower levels of volatile organic compound emissions, or be recyclable. Adhesives that have sustainable properties contribute to the overall sustainability of high barrier films, which is in line with the growing demand for packaging solutions that are good to the environment.

The effectiveness of manufacturing

There is a considerable contribution that adhesives make to the improvement of the manufacturing efficiency of high barrier films. They allow for bonding methods that are both quick and efficient, which in turn enables high-speed manufacturing while maintaining quality stability. Adhesives that have the ability to cure at low temperatures or in a short amount of time cut down on the amount of time and energy required for the processing. Furthermore, adhesives that demonstrate great compatibility with a wide range of film substrates and surface treatments save production downtime and ensure that the processing process is carried out without any interruptions.


By achieving high barrier effects against oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, odours, and other substances, EVOH possesses outstanding barrier characteristics not only against gases but also against oils.
It is necessary to add some adhesive layers between the base layer resins and the functional layer resins in order to create a “integrated” composite membrane. This is because the base layer resins and functional layer resins have a low affinity for one another.

As a result of the presence of vinyl acetate monomer in the molecular chain of the primary material that makes up K2B from Coaces, the crystallinity of polyethylene is decreased, and the heat sealing performance of the composite film is further improved.Adhesives are an essential component in the process of applying high-barrier films because they provide a variety of advantages, including the preservation of products, the extension of shelf life, the promotion of sustainability, and the enhancement of manufacturing efficiency. When it comes to lamination, sealing and closure systems, barrier coatings, adhesive tapes and labels, as well as concerns for sustainability and manufacturing efficiency, adhesives make it possible to provide high-quality packaging solutions for a wide range of sectors. For the purpose of preserving the integrity and functionality of products while simultaneously addressing environmental issues and optimising production processes, the continual development and use of adhesives in high barrier films will further expand the capabilities of packaging systems.

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