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2023 CHINAPL AS International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition Preview

The world-renowned rubber and plastic annual event ‒ CHINAPL AS International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition, bringing together innovative rubber and plastic solutions and industry information are the “golden key” to inspire inspiration and discover business opportunities of the times.It is also a hub for business procurement, technology release and exchange.

Since its inception in 1983, CHINAPL AS has continuously accumulated and fully linked abundant

Abundant resources, actively taking another “plastic” path, taking the lead in holding online exhibitions in world-class rubber and plastic exhibitions, bringing

Leading the industry in the blue ocean to create new value of online communication. This brand new attempt, coupled with the intelligent and efficient “CPS+ online supply and demand docking platform”, not only responds to the market in a timely manner during the golden period of business cooperation.

It will meet the needs of the market and play a beautiful and harmonious prelude to the upcoming CHINAPL AS physical exhibition.With its superior performance and innovative applications, plastics shape a better life for human beings.

CHINAPL AS International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition rides the wind and waves to set off again, and will be held in Shenzhen on April 17-20, 2023 Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center (Bao’an New Hall), will join hands with high-quality suppliers in the industry to launch transformational terminals

Forward-looking technology in the market, as well as practical solutions, among them are from global giants

leading breakthrough and forward-looking technological achievements, as well as independent innovative Chinese science and technology. How can you face-to-face and efficiently exchange technological innovation opportunities?Can miss it?

Coace’s position:13A39


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