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Polyolefin-grafted maleic anhydride as compatibilizer for lignin-polypropylene composites

Lignin can enhance the mechanical and physical characteristics of polymers. It is frequently used in polymer fillers because it has several benefits over inorganic fillers, including low density, cheap cost, and renewable.

It is challenging to get the desired result with lignin because of its poor compatibility with PP and high number of polar groups.

PP/PP-MA/Lignin or PP/PB/Lignin are both used in this article.

According to the fracture morphology in Figure 1, the distribution of lignin in PP is more uniform after the addition of a compatibilizer than it was before, and the particle size of lignin is lower, which is advantageous for the lignin. Factors enhance PP performance.

A graph of the sample’s tensile strength before and after the addition of a compatibilizer is shown in Figure 2.

The graph demonstrates that once 2% lignin was added to pure PP, its Young’s modulus and yield stress both increased to some extent, but its tensile elongation at break reduced dramatically.

Young’s modulus, yield stress, and tensile fracture productivity of pure PP are all enhanced with 10% compatibilizer addition compared to pure PP, showing that adding compatibilizer will be helpful to the dispersion of lignin in PP in order to further improve its mechanical characteristics.

Additionally, the inclusion of lignin will enhance the material’s anti-aging capabilities.


Fig.1 Tensile fracture morphology of samples (a) PP/2% lignin; (b) PP/PB/2% lignin

Fig.2 Stress-strain curves of samples (i) pure PP; (ii) PP/2% lignin; (iii) PP/PB; (iv) PP/PB/1% lignin (ⅴ); PP/PB/2 % lignin; (ⅵ) PP/PB/4% lignin

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