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What is the mechanism of maleic anhydride grafted onto PP?


It’s common practice to graft maleic anhydride onto polypropylene (PP) to improve the characteristics of PP-based polymers. The purpose of this article is to explain the method of maleic anhydride grafting onto PP in a thorough and expert manner. We may learn more about the procedure and how it affects the qualities of the final product by comprehending this mechanism.

Mechanism of Maleic Anhydride Grafting onto PP

1. Initiation

In the initiation phase of the grafting procedure, free radicals are produced using a radical initiator. Typically utilized initiators include azo compounds or organic peroxides. When heated, these initiators break down, releasing free radicals that start the grafting reaction.

2. Production of Free Radicals

The produced free radicals interact with the molecules of maleic anhydride (MA), creating MA radicals. Two free radicals are produced as a result of the homolytic cleavage of the peroxide or azo bond in the initiator, which causes this reaction to take place.

3. Propagation

The polypropylene chains and, especially, the tertiary carbon atoms in the polymer backbone subsequently undergo a reaction with the MA radicals. This reaction results in the production of a new carbon-centered radical by removing one atom of hydrogen from the PP chain.


4. Grafting

By interacting with the molecules of maleic anhydride, the newly generated carbon-centered radicals attach MA units to the PP chain. The double bond in the structure of the maleic anhydride is added to by the carbon-centered radical in this grafting reaction, which happens by a radical addition mechanism.

5. Ending

The grafting reaction continues until there is a considerable drop in the amount of free radicals. At this point, the termination process takes place, during which the remaining free radicals interact with one another and create stable products. This termination procedure reduces the amount of grafting and avoids overly strong crosslinking.

Maleic anhydride Grafting’s Effect on PP Properties

1. Greater Compatibility

Maleic anhydride grafting makes PP and polar materials, such fillers or fibers, more compatible. By serving as a bridge, the grafted MA units encourage adhesion and enhance the dispersion of polar additives inside the PP matrix.

2. Improved Mechanical Properties

By grafting maleic anhydride onto PP, the material’s mechanical characteristics may be markedly enhanced. The grafted MA units serve as reinforcing elements, enhancing the PP matrix’s stiffness, strength, and toughness.

3. Improved Thermal Stability

Maleic anhydride grafting can make PP-based composites more thermally stable. By acting as heat stabilizers, the grafted MA units stop the polymer chains from degrading at high temperatures.

4. Increased Chemical Resistance

The addition of grafted MA units can increase the PP’s ability to withstand chemicals. The grafted PP is appropriate for a variety of applications due to the polar nature of MA units, which increases resistance to solvents, acids, and bases.


For improving the procedure and customizing the qualities of the produced material, it is essential to comprehend the mechanism of maleic anhydride grafting onto PP. Maleic anhydride may be effectively grafted onto PP, resulting in better compatibility, mechanical characteristics, thermal stability, and chemical resistance by starting the grafting reaction, creating free radicals, spreading the reaction, and ending the process. Using this information, scientists and engineers may create PP-based materials with specific qualities for a variety of uses.


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