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말레산 무수물 변형이 폴리프로필렌의 열 안정성에 미치는 영향은 무엇인가요?


Due to its superior mechanical qualities, affordability, and adaptability, polypropylene (PP) is a commonly used thermoplastic polymer. However, because to its limited thermal stability, it may not be suitable for use in high-temperature situations. Researchers have looked into a number of ways to improve the thermal stability of PP to get over this issue. Maleic anhydride (MAH) modification of PP is one such technique. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how maleic anhydride modification affects polypropylene’s thermal stability.

Maleic anhydride Modification

Through a chemical process, the reactive molecule maleic anhydride may be grafted onto the polypropylene backbone. Covalent bonds are created between the polypropylene chains and the maleic anhydride during this alteration process. Maleic anhydride moieties on the PP chains introduce additional functional groups that may improve the polymer’s heat stability.

향상된 열 안정성

Polypropylene’s thermal stability is enhanced in a number of ways by the maleic anhydride modification. First off, the grafted maleic anhydride groups function as heat stabilizers, keeping the polymer from degrading in hot conditions. Both the chain scission processes and free radical scavenging that take place during heat degradation are inhibited by these groups. The result is that the modified PP has improved thermal stability and can resist high temperatures without suffering serious damage.

The maleic anhydride addition also enhances polypropylene’s thermal oxidative stability. The maleic anhydride groups that were grafted increase PP’s resistance to oxidation, a frequent cause of breakdown at high temperatures. The inclusion of maleic anhydride moieties slows the pace at which the polymer degrades under oxidative circumstances and prevents the development of oxidation products like carbonyl groups.

말레산 무수물 변형 improves polypropylene’s thermal stability as well as its flame retardancy. The grafted maleic anhydride groups function as flame retardants, lowering the polymer’s flammability. During combustion, these groups have the ability to produce non-combustible gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor, which restrict flame propagation and slow the rate of heat release. Because of its enhanced fire resistance, the modified PP is suited for applications where fire safety is a concern.


The improved thermal stability of polypropylene treated with maleic anhydride creates new opportunities for its use in a variety of industries. The modified PP can be employed in the automobile industry, where components exposed to engine heat require high-temperature resistance. In electrical and electronic devices, where thermal stability is crucial to ensuring the durability and dependability of the goods, it can also be used. Maleic anhydride-modified PP is also ideal for use in building materials, including as cables and wires, where fire safety criteria must be followed due to its flame retardant qualities.

In conclusion, polypropylene’s heat stability is greatly increased by the maleic anhydride alteration. The grafted maleic anhydride groups increase the polymer’s flame retardancy, oxidation resistance, and heat stability. These improvements make PP that has been treated with maleic anhydride appropriate for a variety of uses in sectors where thermal stability and fire resistance are essential. The optimization of the modification procedure and the investigation of novel uses for this modified polymer are both possible outcomes of more research and development in this area.


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PP/PE 복합 소재에 필러를 추가할 때 호환제를 추가해야 하나요?

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