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다른 접목 방법과 비교했을 때 MAH 접목 기술을 사용하면 어떤 이점이 있나요?

In horticulture and agriculture, grafting is a common method for combining the best qualities of many plant kinds. Due to its many benefits, MAH (Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polypropylene) grafting technology has become one of the most popular grafting techniques. The advantages of MAH grafting technology over other grafting techniques will be discussed in this article.

1.Improvements in Compatibility and Union Formation

The enhanced compatibility between the scion and rootstock provided by MAH grafting method results in greater union formation. The maleic anhydride-grafted polypropylene serves as a bridge, aiding in the tissues of the scion and rootstock’s adherence and fusing. As a result, the graft union becomes stronger and more effective, enabling the effective transmission of water, nutrients, and growth-promoting agents.

2. Higher Graft Success Rate

When compared to conventional grafting techniques, MAH grafting technology greatly increases graft success rates. The likelihood of graft failure is reduced by the enhanced compatibility and union formation offered by MAH grafting technique. This is very helpful in difficult grafting situations, including grafting between species or incompatible kinds.

3. Disease Resistance and Tolerance

One benefit of MAH grafting method is its ability to be disease resistant and tolerant. It has been discovered that the maleic anhydride-grafted polypropylene used in MAH grafting possesses antimicrobial qualities that prevent the development of microorganisms and lower the risk of infection. This is especially important in areas where soil-borne illnesses are common since MAH grafting gives the grafted plants an additional layer of defense.


4. Higher Yield and Quality

Making use of MAH grafting technology can result in higher yield and higher quality of the harvested food. Better nutrient absorption and distribution as a result of the improved compatibility and effective union formation promote robust growth and development. As a result, crop yields increase and fruit quality—including size, color, taste, and shelf life—improves.

5. Stress Tolerance and Adaptability

Plants have higher stress tolerance and adaptability because to MAH grafting method. The grafting procedure boosts stress-related protein synthesis, which improves the plant’s resistance to harsh climatic circumstances. Additionally, the interchange of stress-responsive genes between the scion and rootstock is made possible by the enhanced compatibility and union formation offered by MAH grafting method, further boosting the plant’s resistance.

6. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness

The MAH grafting process is more economical and effective than other grafting techniques. The polypropylene with maleic anhydride graft used in MAH grafting is easily accessible and reasonably priced. Additionally, the grafting procedure employing MAH technology is effective and ideal for large-scale commercial applications because to its simplicity in scaling up.

In conclusion, MAH grafting technology offers a number of benefits over conventional grafting techniques. For horticulturists and agriculturalists, MAH grafting is a desirable alternative because of the better compatibility and union formation, higher graft success rate, greater disease resistance and tolerance, improved yield and quality, stress tolerance and adaptation, as well as cost-effectiveness and efficiency. Utilizing the advantages of MAH grafting technology, producers may improve their plantations’ production, crop quality, and resilience.

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나일론 인성 향상을 위해 적절한 POE 접목 무수 말레 산염을 선택하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

특히 보강 및 충진이 필요한 PA6, PA66 및 폴리아미드 시스템을 위한 충격 완화제로 설계된 Coace® W1A-F는 특별한 특성으로 인해 향상된 내충격성과 인성이 가장 중요한 용도에 완벽한 선택이 될 수 있습니다.

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PP/PE 복합 소재에 필러를 추가할 때 호환제를 추가해야 하나요?

PP-g-MAH 호환제의 사용법을 조사하고 싶다면 전문 화학물질 공급업체에 문의하면 샘플과 기술 지원을 받을 수 있습니다. COACE와 상담하면 특정 애플리케이션 요구 사항을 충족하는 맞춤형 믹스를 만들 수 있습니다.

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