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태양광 EVA 필름의 노화로 인한 피해와 노화에 저항하는 방법

The ageing of photovoltaic encapsulant materials, such as ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) film, has become a significant cause for worry as the technology behind photovoltaic (PV) continues to achieve greater levels of advancement. This study is to investigate the adverse effects that the aging of EVA film has on PV modules and to highlight the advantages and effectiveness of utilizing silicone-based photovoltaic encapsulant additives, specifically the usage of silane coupling agents, in order to combat the effects of aging. This article offers a wealth of information regarding the subject matter by assessing the effects of aging on PV performance, addressing the mechanisms that cause EVA film to age, and providing the advantages of silane additives.


Photovoltaic modules are an essential component in the process of capturing solar energy and transforming it into useable power. In order to guarantee the long-term durability and dependability of photovoltaic modules, the encapsulant material, which is commonly EVA film, is of the utmost importance. EVA film, on the other hand, is vulnerable to aging over time, which can have a substantial impact on the performance of PV modules as well as increase their longevity. In addition to shedding light on the damage that is caused by the aging of EVA film, the purpose of this paper is to offer an efficient strategy to resist aging by utilizing silicone-based photovoltaic encapsulant additives.


EVA Film Aging Mechanisms and Mechanisms

The aging process of EVA film is a complicated process that is affected by a number of different elements. These effects include exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, changes in temperature, oxygen permeation, and moisture ingress respectively. These elements are responsible for the breakdown of the EVA polymer chains, which leads to a decrease in the mechanical strength of the material, as well as yellowing, cross-linking, and the creation of volatile chemicals. It is essential to have a solid understanding of these mechanisms in order to successfully apply tactics to counteract the aging of EVA film.

Impact of EVA Film Aging on Photovoltaic Performance Consequences

The deterioration of EVA film over time might have significant repercussions for the overall performance of photovoltaic modules. In the first place, the diminished mechanical strength of aged EVA causes delamination and a reduction in adhesion between the encapsulant and the solar cells, which ultimately compromises the integrity of the module. The yellowing of the EVA film also limits the quantity of light that is transmitted through it, which in turn reduces the amount of incident sunlight that is able to reach the solar cells. Additionally, the creation of volatile compounds and cross-linking can result in greater optical losses and hamper the electrical performance of PV modules, which ultimately leads to a reduction in the amount of power that this technology is capable of producing.


What Function Do Silane Coupling Agents Serve?

Silane coupling agents, which are photovoltaic encapsulant additives based on silicone, have emerged as a potentially useful solution to the problem of EVA film having a tendency to age. As a result of the cross-linking agents that these additives perform, the bond that exists between the EVA film and the solar cells is strengthened. Through the utilization of silane coupling agents, the mechanical strength of the encapsulant is enhanced, hence reducing the likelihood of delamination occurring. Furthermore, the introduction of silane compounds helps to decrease the yellowing of the EVA film, which makes it possible to keep the light transmittance at a high level and maximize the amount of power generated simultaneously.

Silane additives have a number of benefits and are quite effective

Silane additions provide a number of benefits that are not available in conventional EVA formulations that do not contain additives. In the first place, they offer higher resistance to ultraviolet light and stop the destruction of EVA polymer chains before they ever begin. PV modules have a lifespan that is greatly increased as a result of this characteristic. In the second place, silane additions improve the moisture resistance of the EVA film, which helps to prevent moisture from entering the film and reduces the likelihood of corrosion and module failure occurred. Last but not least, the exceptional adhesion properties of silane additions guarantee that the encapsulant and the solar cells will remain adhered to one another for an extended period of time, even when exposed to extreme weather conditions.


The deterioration of photovoltaic EVA film is a substantial obstacle to the performance of PV modules as well as their resistance to wear and tear. In order to address this problem, the utilization of silicone-based photovoltaic encapsulant additives, more notably silane coupling agents, has been demonstrated to be an efficient approach. Solar photovoltaic (PV) modules benefit from silane additions because they improve their overall performance, retain their light transmittance, and increase their mechanical robustness. By integrating silane compounds into EVA film compositions, it is possible to reduce the negative impacts of aging, which ultimately results in solar systems that are more dependable and long-lasting.



For the purpose of ensuring the long-term performance and viability of photovoltaic modules, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the damage that is caused by the aging of EVA film and to take the proper precautions to prevent the aging process. The utilization of silane coupling agents as photovoltaic encapsulant additives stands out as a viable way to alleviate the effects of aging, so ensuring the generation of solar energy that is both efficient and sustainable.COACE has a research and development team that is directed by several senior engineers and PhDs, and the company is dedicated to the research and development, production, and service of solar packaging film additives. Silane additives are used in the production of COACE photovoltaic encapsulating film adhesives. They give great support for the development of the solar film sector and solve the problem of photovoltaic films aging using typical additives. In addition, they solve the problem of aging over time. Additives made of silane have It is liked by the majority of users because it possesses the qualities of high transparency, low crystal point, high grafting rate, good fluidity, and high resistivity. Additionally, it has a high melting point.

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