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Photovoltaic POE film additives

모델 번호: R1030


Coace® R1030 is a functionalized silicone material with high silicone content, high transparency and other characteristics.
성능 가치 테스트 방법
밀도 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
녹는점(DSC)  46℃(115℉) ASTM D3418
MFR(190℃ 2.16kg)  8-15g/10분 ASTM D1238
실란 함량  높음 내부 방법
제품 설명


Coace® R1030은 실란 함량이 높고 투명도가 높은 실란 기능화 에틸렌-옥텐 공중합체입니다.

Additives for photovoltaic (PV) POE films are crucial ingredients in the creation of encapsulating films for PV modules. These additives improve the performance, robustness, and dependability of PV modules by providing unique qualities, traits, and benefits.


고급 장비!

제품 품질을 보장하기 위해 첨단 생산 라인과 실험 테스트 센터를 갖추고 있습니다.

강력한 기술력!

10명 이상의 숙련된 기술 R&D 직원이 지속적인 혁신을 주도합니다.




성능 가치 테스트 방법
밀도 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
녹는점(DSC)  46℃(115℉) ASTM D3418
MFR(190℃ 2.16kg)  8-15g/10분 ASTM D1238
실란 함량  높음 내부 방법

참고: 위의 데이터는 일반적인 테스트 값이며 사양으로 해석해서는 안 됩니다.

권장 복용량: 실제 적용에 따라 비용을 고려하여 적절한 증액 또는 감액 금액을 결정합니다.

포장 및 운송: 포장 및 운송20kg 비닐 봉투, 위험물이 아닌 상품에 따라 햇빛, 비를 피하세요.

PV POE film additives have several qualities that make them useful and appropriate for encapsulating PV modules:

  • Material Compatibility: These additives can be easily integrated into the current PV module production processes because they are compatible with polyolefin-based encapsulating films.
  • Thermal Stability: PV POE film additives have exceptional thermal stability, guaranteeing that even in high-temperature environments, the encapsulant will maintain its characteristics and functionality throughout the module’s operating lifespan.
  • Processability: The additives are made to be simple to work with during the lamination process, which enables the manufacturing of PV modules in an effective and dependable manner.
  • Environmental friendliness: PV POE film additives are designed to comply with industry requirements and are low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), meeting environmental laws.




a. The special combination of these chemicals increases light transmission, lowers reflection losses, and boosts the PV module’s overall energy conversion efficiency.
b. Enhanced Reliability: The additives improve adhesion, UV stability, and moisture resistance, which reduces the possibility of performance degradation and guarantees long-term durability.

c. PV POE film additives offer exceptional flexibility to the encapsulant, resulting in improved resilience to external influences such temperature changes and mechanical vibrations, reduced mechanical stress, and improved module conformance.

d. Optimal Optical Performance: The high optical clarity and light transmission qualities of the additives lead to an improved optical performance, which increases the PV module’s capacity for energy conversion and light absorption.


당사의 장점

글로벌 공급망!

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집중 - 성취 - 우수성!

맞춤형 제품
R&D에 집중
글로벌 서비스

코이스 인증!

ISO9001:2015 인증
ISO14001:2015 인증

한국 K-REACH 사전 등록

기업의 이점!

국내외를 넘나드는 레이아웃, 믹스 앤 매치하기 좋은 디자인
국내 마케팅 레이아웃
해외 마케팅 레이아웃




Application Details

PV POE film additives are made especially to be used in the encapsulation of PV modules. Some important details about this application are as follows: a. Lamination Process Compatibility: These additives are designed to work with lamination processes, making it simple to integrate and produce PV modules quickly.

b. Encapsulation Films: When integrated into the encapsulation layer, PV POE film additives perform best because they are designed to work with polyolefin-based encapsulating films.

c. Manufacturing Flexibility: By providing flexibility in dose and formulation, the additives enable producers to tailor the encapsulant’s qualities to match certain performance standards.

d. Compatibility with Module Components: Solar cells, backsheet materials, and other connectivity materials are just a few of the module components that PV POE film additives are made to work with.


일반적인 애플리케이션

1. 태양광 캡슐화 필름
2. 유리 접착제


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