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환경 친화적인 생분해성 폴리에스테르 체인 익스텐더 및 핵 생성제

모델 번호: BP-5


파우더 형태의 Coace ® BP-5 다기능 체인 익스텐더는 뛰어난 생분해성, 향상된 물리적 특성 및 환경 친화성으로 폴리에스테르 소재를 혁신적으로 개선합니다.
모양 Powder
색상 흰색
True Density 2.1-2.4 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Bulk Density 0.7-1.1 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Polar oxygen group content 2.3-2.7 wt% COACE 방법[1]
Loss on drying ≤0.3 % 105℃,10min
제품 설명


Coace ® BP-5 is a multi-functional reactive chain extender in powder form.

A multi-purpose powder-type reactive chain extender, BP-5 can considerably raise the mechanical characteristics and molecular weight of polyester compounds. Apart from all the benefits of conventional chain extenders, biodegradation technology helps to be environmentally friendly. Not only fit for many different industrial sectors, but this creative material may greatly enhance the general performance of the product.

Apart from greatly enhancing the mechanical qualities and processing stability of materials, it can be extensively applied in other sectors and offers great development opportunities. This innovative material will undoubtedly be crucial in the field of polymer materials in the future as the world gives environmental protection and sustainable development greater significance top priority.


고급 장비!

제품 품질을 보장하기 위해 첨단 생산 라인과 실험 테스트 센터를 갖추고 있습니다.

강력한 기술력!

10명 이상의 숙련된 기술 R&D 직원이 지속적인 혁신을 주도합니다.




모양 Powder
색상 흰색
True Density 2.1-2.4 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Bulk Density 0.7-1.1 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Polar oxygen group content 2.3-2.7 wt% COACE 방법[1]
Loss on drying ≤0.3 % 105℃,10min
  • Biodegradability: The main attraction of this product is its biodegradable character. The demand for environmentally friendly materials is critical as the planet shifts towards more sustainable living. Naturally breaking down this chain extender helps polyester products have less environmental impact.
  • Reactivity: Being a reactive chain extender, it enhances the molecular weight of polyester, therefore improving its mechanical qualities. In uses when durability and strength are non-negotiable, this reactivity is absolutely vital.
  • Powder Form: The powder form of this chain extender presents simplicity of handling and incorporation into industrial processes. It guarantees consistent distribution and best performance by being readily combined with other elements.
  • Improve mechanical properties: By means of the combined effects of chain extension and nucleation, the material’s toughness, elasticity, tear resistance, and overall physical and chemical properties including temperature resistance, oil resistance, weather resistance, and corrosion resistance are much enhanced.
  • Chain extension: Reaction with the functional groups on the linear polymer chain results in a longer molecular chain, therefore raising the molecular weight, strengthening the melt strength and viscosity of the material.
  • Nucleation: As a nucleating agent, it can notably raise the crystallinity of polymer goods and enhance their gloss and transparency.
  • Improve compatibility: Improve compatibility between several polycondensate materials such that the material performs generally better.


Enhanced Properties: Acting as a chain extender helps polyester products to have far better tensile strength, impact resistance, and general durability. In sectors where performance is first priority, this is a major benefit.

Sustainability: This product’s biodegradability fits the worldwide movement towards using green substitutes and lowering plastic waste. This not only improves the surroundings but also helps businesses using sustainable policies to have better brand image.

Cost-Effectiveness: This chain extender presents a reasonably priced alternative even if it offers exceptional performance. The better qualities of the polyester help to lower the demand for extra reinforcements, so saving material expenses.

Regulatory Compliance: This solution provides a compatible substitute as more laws control the usage of non-biodegradable products. It guarantees producers a clear road to market by meeting the strict criteria established by environmental protection authorities.


당사의 장점

글로벌 공급망!

사운드 스토리지 및 물류 공급망 시스템
기술 지원
판매 후 보호

집중 - 성취 - 우수성!

맞춤형 제품
R&D에 집중
글로벌 서비스

코이스 인증!

ISO9001:2015 인증
ISO14001:2015 인증

한국 K-REACH 사전 등록

기업의 이점!

국내외를 넘나드는 레이아웃, 믹스 앤 매치하기 좋은 디자인
국내 마케팅 레이아웃
해외 마케팅 레이아웃



Coace ® BP-5 can help the chain expansion and nucleation of degradable polyester materials, accelerate the cooling and forming speed of materials, and can also be used to enhance the viscosity of polyester materials, improve the tensile strength and puncture resistance of films and sheets.

애플리케이션 산업

Industry for polyurethanes: Chain extenders are absolutely essential key additives for polyurethane adhesives and sealants since they directly influence the mechanical qualities and process performance of the products.
By chains extension and nucleation, polyurethane foam increases the mechanical strength and durability of foam products.

The sector of plastic goods: Engineering polymers such PBT (polybutylene terephthalate) have notable impacts in raising viscosity and modification.
Recycled plastics treated with chain extenders show much better mechanical qualities and processing stability.
자동차 산업: Adding chain exteners to textile fibres will greatly increase their strength and wear resistance and be appropriate for the manufacture of luxury clothes textiles.
achieveive: Through chain extender treatment, construction plastics—such as PVC pipes, door and window frames, etc.—can considerably increase their mechanical strength and weather resistance.


문의 양식

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