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EVA, POE 또는 EPE 봉지 필름의 선택이 태양광 모듈의 효율과 내구성에 어떤 영향을 미치나요?

An important consideration in influencing the longevity and efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) modules is the encapsulant film selection. In the solar business, encapsulant materials including Expanded Polyethylene (EPE), Polyolefin Elastomer (POE), and Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) are frequently utilised. The goal of this article is to present a thorough examination of the effects that the choice of encapsulant film—EVA, POE, or EPE—has on the durability and efficiency of solar modules. An analysis of the electrical, optical, mechanical, and ageing aspects of PV modules can provide important information on their functionality and dependability.


Electrical Performance

The total performance of photovoltaic modules is greatly influenced by the electrical characteristics of the encapsulant films. The resistivities and dielectric strengths of EVA, POE, and EPE films vary, which has an immediate impact on the electrical insulation and power conversion efficiency of the modules. The PV system’s overall electrical efficiency and long-term stability can be affected by a number of elements, including charge carrier mobility, series resistance, and potential-induced deterioration (PID), which can all be impacted by the encapsulant film selection.

One of the most important factors affecting the quantity of incident sunlight that reaches the solar cells is optical transmittance. Every encapsulant film has unique properties related to light transmission and refractive index. The absorption, reflection, and dispersion of light in EVA, POE, and EPE 필름 can vary. The PV module’s overall energy conversion efficiency and the efficiency with which light is absorbed by the solar cells can both be impacted by the encapsulant film selection.

Moisture Barrier and Environmental Stability

The long-term longevity of photovoltaic modules depends on the encapsulant films’ capacity to function as a dependable moisture barrier. Corrosion, delamination, and decreased electrical performance can result from moisture intrusion. The hydrolytic stabilities and rates of water vapour transport in EVA, POE, and EPE films vary. In order to evaluate the longevity and dependability of the encapsulated PV modules, it is essential to comprehend their moisture barrier qualities as well as their resistance to environmental elements including humidity, temperature, and UV radiation.


Mechanical Strength and Adhesion

The structural integrity of photovoltaic modules is greatly dependent on their mechanical characteristics. The adhesion, elongation at break, and tensile strength of EVA, POE, and EPE films vary. The module’s resistance to mechanical stressors including wind, mechanical loading, and temperature cycling may be impacted by the encapsulant film selection. To guarantee the long-term dependability and durability of the PV module, it is crucial to assess the encapsulant film’s mechanical strength and adhesion properties.

Ageing and Degradation

During their operational lifetime, photovoltaic modules are subjected to a variety of environmental stressors, which causes material degradation. The encapsulant film’s characteristics can be impacted by variables like UV radiation, temperature swings, and chemical exposure, which can shorten the module’s lifespan and performance. Films made of EVA, POE, and EPE may show varying levels of resistance to ageing and degradation mechanisms. Understanding the encapsulant films’ long-term durability and dependability under various working situations requires looking into their ageing behaviour and resistance to deterioration.

Comparative Study of Encapsulant Films

This study compares the performance characteristics of EVA, POE, and EPE encapsulant films in order to provide a thorough assessment. It is possible to examine several factors, including cost-effectiveness, durability, efficiency, and processing simplicity, to determine which encapsulant material is best for a certain PV module application. Manufacturers and researchers can choose the best encapsulant film by having a thorough understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of film.


Emerging Encapsulant Technologies

To increase the longevity and efficiency of PV modules, ongoing research and development efforts are concentrated on developing encapsulant materials. Some of the new encapsulant technologies that show promise for improving module performance are cross-linkable EVA, modified POE, and hybrid EVA/EPE blends. Examining these developments and how they affect the longevity and efficiency of modules can shed light on how encapsulant materials will be developed in the future.

In conclusion, the durability and efficiency of solar modules are greatly impacted by the encapsulant film selection—EVA, POE, or EPE. Assessing these films’ mechanical, electrical, optical, and ageing characteristics enables a thorough comprehension of their effects on module performance. This information can be used by researchers and manufacturers to enhance module design, boost power conversion efficiency, and guarantee long-term dependability. The solar industry may increase the overall performance and endurance of photovoltaic modules by choosing the right encapsulant film, which will help to further encourage the broad use of solar energy as a sustainable power source.

최근 기사

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