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말레산 무수물 접목은 LLDPE의 인장 강도 및 연신율과 같은 기계적 특성에 어떤 영향을 미칩니까?

One method that is frequently used to change the characteristics of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) is maleic anhydride grafting. Maleic anhydride grafted LLDPE is produced by covalently attaching functional groups of maleic anhydride to the LLDPE polymer chain. Tensile strength and elongation are two mechanical parameters of LLDPE that are significantly impacted by the grafting of maleic anhydride.

Through an exploration of the underlying mechanisms and a presentation of the benefits and drawbacks of this modification technique, COACE seeks to give you with a thorough and in-depth analysis of how maleic anhydride grafting impacts these mechanical properties.

Tensile strength-related effects

A key mechanical characteristic that indicates a material’s capacity to bear applied tensile pressures without experiencing irreversible deformation or failure is its tensile strength. Maleic anhydride grafting has multiple effects on LLDPE’s tensile strength.

First off, the LLDPE matrix gains extra crosslinking sites due to the presence of maleic anhydride groups. Tensile strength is raised as a result of these crosslinks, which also strengthen intermolecular forces and encourage a three-dimensional network structure. When tensile stress is applied, the crosslinked maleic anhydride grafted LLDPE shows higher resistance to deformation and an increased load-bearing capacity.

Second, the interfacial adhesion between the polymer matrix and fillers or reinforcements, like fibers or nanoparticles, is improved by maleic anhydride grafting. Strong chemical bonds between these additives and the functional groups of maleic anhydride enable effective stress transfer from the matrix to the reinforcing elements. As a result, when compared to LLDPE composites without modification, the maleic anhydride grafted LLDPE composites show improved tensile strength.

It is important to remember, though, that too much maleic anhydride grafting can cause the modified LLDPE to become brittle. Reduced elongation and premature failure could arise from the material’s inability to undergo plastic deformation due to the increased crosslinking density. Therefore, in order to attain the appropriate balance between tensile strength and elongation, maleic anhydride grafting condition adjustment is essential.

Impact on Lengthening

The strain at failure, or elongation at break, is a measurement of a material’s capacity to flex or change shape without breaking. The grafting of maleic anhydride significantly affects the elongation characteristics of LLDPE.

By raising the intermolecular pressures, the addition of functional groups containing maleic anhydride limits the mobility of the polymer chains. This limited chain mobility reduces the material’s elongation at break and limits its ability to extend. The degree of maleic anhydride grafting determines how much of this reduction occurs; elongation values are typically lower at greater grafting levels.

It is noteworthy, nonetheless, that depending on the grafting circumstances, maleic anhydride grafting can also give LLDPE some degree of flexibility. Increased tensile strength and tolerable elongation can be balanced by carefully adjusting the grafting parameters, such as reaction time and maleic anhydride concentration.

Additionally, the elongation properties of maleic anhydride grafted LLDPE can be further modulated by the addition of compatibilizers or plasticizers. These additions can lessen the chance of an early failure, increase elongation at break, and increase the flexibility of the material.
Maleic anhydride grafting generally reduces LLDPE’s elongation at break, although the precise results vary depending on the grafting circumstances and the mechanical qualities required for the intended use.

In conclusion, the mechanical characteristics of LLDPE, particularly its tensile strength and elongation, are greatly impacted by maleic anhydride grafting. Maleic anhydride functional groups are added to LLDPE, which increases crosslinking and improves interfacial adhesion, hence increasing its tensile strength. But too much grafting can make a person brittle. Maleic anhydride grafting often results in decreased chain mobility, which lowers the elongation at break of LLDPE. However, grafting conditions can be carefully optimized, and the right additives can be added to assist strike a balance between acceptable elongation and tensile strength. Comprehending how maleic anhydride grafting affects LLDPE’s mechanical characteristics is essential to adjusting the material’s performance for a range of uses, including construction materials, automotive parts, and packaging.

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