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태양광 필름 유형에 대한 비교 분석: 태양광 산업에서 다양한 카테고리와 그 응용 분야 살펴보기

In the solar energy sector, photovoltaic (PV) films are essential because they shield PV modules from damage and enable effective energy conversion. The three primary types of PV films that are compared in this article are Expanded Polyethylene (EPE), Polyolefin Elastomer (POE), and Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA).


EVA Films

Because of its superior optical qualities, electrical insulation, and encapsulating characteristics, EVA films are extensively utilized in the photovoltaic sector. Because of its exceptional transparency, sunlight can reach the solar cells at the best possible angle. EVA films also offer strong defense against UV rays, mechanical stress, and moisture intrusion. Their superior adhesive qualities guarantee a solid link between a PV module’s various layers, increasing its longevity.

Usages for EVA Films

Crystalline Silicon PV Modules: To provide long-term performance and protection against outside influences, crystalline silicon PV modules are frequently encapsulated with EVA films.

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV): Because of their optical transparency and adhesive properties, EVA films are suited for BIPV applications, in which solar modules are integrated into building materials.

Thin-Film PV Modules: To promote adhesion, insulation, and protection between the various layers, EVA films are also utilized in thin-film PV modules.


Polyolefin Elastomer (POE) Films

PV modules employ POE films, a type of thermoplastic elastomer, as encapsulant materials. They have exceptional mechanical qualities, including great elongation, impact resistance, and flexibility. POE films are suited for a wide range of environmental conditions because to their wide operating temperature range and strong adherence to various materials. Additionally, they offer superior UV stability and moisture resistance, extending the life of PV modules.

The uses of POE films

Thin-Film PV Modules: POE films, which provide flexibility, adhesion, and defense against moisture and UV light, are frequently utilized in thin-film PV modules.
Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV): POE films are used in BIPV systems to preserve the environment and offer durability and adherence.
Floating Solar Power Plants: POE films work well for these kinds of plants since they provide protection from UV, moisture, and water.
EPE Films: Perfect for safeguarding PV modules during installation and shipping, EPE films are lightweight, flexible, and offer exceptional cushioning qualities. Their low thermal conductivity contributes to reducing the PV module’s heat loss. EPE films also provide insulation and moisture resistance, which improves PV systems’ overall longevity and performance.

POE and EVA resins are co-extrusion processed to create the multi-layer EPE film. Typically, it has one layer of POE and two layers of EVA. POE resin makes about 60% of the ingredients, while EVA resin makes up roughly 40%.



EPE film is a cost-performance compromise that partially accounts for the cost advantage of EVA film and the strong performance of POE film.

The unique qualities of EVA, POE, and EPE films serve various purposes in the photovoltaic sector. EVA films, which offer optical clarity, adhesion, and protection, are commonly used to encapsulate crystalline silicon and thin-film photovoltaic modules. POE films, which offer flexibility, adhesion, and environmental resistance, are frequently used in thin-film PV modules, BIPV systems, and floating solar power plants. PV module packing and installation use EPE films, which offer insulation, moisture resistance, and cushioning.

The type of PV film selected is determined by a number of criteria, including application requirements, environmental circumstances, and module technology. In order to guarantee the best possible performance and dependability of PV systems, PV producers and system integrators need to take into account the unique benefits and features of each type of film.


The comparative study of EVA, POE, and EPE films demonstrates their distinct qualities, benefits, and uses in the photovoltaic sector. EVA films work well with crystalline silicon and thin-film photovoltaic modules because of their superior optical qualities and adhesive capabilities. POE films serve thin-film PV modules, BIPV systems, and floating solar power plants by offering flexibility, adhesion, and environmental resistance. PV module packaging and installation requirements are met by EPE films’ superior insulation, moisture resistance, and cushioning qualities. Industry experts can maximize the performance, longevity, and dependability of PV systems by making educated judgments based on their grasp of the unique characteristics of each type of film.xtent.


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