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강화제의 강화 메커니즘에 대한 간략한 소개

Different toughening mechanisms are used with various types of tougheners. When liquid polysulfide rubber reacts with epoxy resin, it can introduce a portion of a flexible chain segment, lower epoxy resin’s modulus, increase toughness, but at the expense of heat resistance.

업계 뉴스

일반적인 개질 나일론에는 어떤 종류가 있나요? 어떤 특성이 개선되었는지 알고 계신가요?

강화 나일론은 강도와 탄성률이 더 높습니다. 나일론의 인장 강도와 굽힘 강도는 유리 섬유 또는 탄소 섬유를 포함하면 크게 증가하며 충격 강도는 복잡해집니다.

업계 뉴스

Flame retardant PP related knowledge

With its low density, high transparency, tastelessness, ease of processing and molding, low cost, and lack of toxicity, PP plastic has a lot of potential applications in the packaging industry.

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The Birth of Modified Polypropylene Plastics: About the Application of Toughener​

A sufficient amount of an antioxidant or anti-aging masterbatch is applied to the modified plastic in order to provide it high weather resistance. Following testing, …

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New Application of Modified Polypropylene (PP) Plastics in Household Appliance Industry

Applications for antibacterial PP materials include interior components of household appliances, buttons, seals, and other areas that are vulnerable to mold development.

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How much do you know about the six commonly used plastic additives?

Plastic additives, commonly referred to as plastic additives, are substances added to polymers (synthetic resins) to enhance processing performance or to enhance the qualities of …

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EVA와 POE 태양광 캡슐화 필름 중 어떤 것을 선택해야 할까요?

Pure POE film, as opposed to EVA film, ensures the safety and long-term aging resistance of photovoltaic modules in high-temperature and high-humidity environments, allowing the components to be used more effectively for a longer period of time.

업계 뉴스

Introduction to the classification of engineering plastic tougheners

Toughener is an additive used to make polymers more durable and to increase their impact resistance. The most efficient form of toughening is blending elastomer …

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플라스틱 강화 수정 방법에는 어떤 것이 있나요?

01 플라스틱의 인성 특성 인성은 강성과는 반대로 제품의 변형이 얼마나 어려운지를 나타내는 품질입니다. ...

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