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태양광 필름의 노화 문제 해결: 실란 태양광 필름 첨가제

In order to generate solar energy, photovoltaic (PV) films are an extremely important component. On the other hand, the ageing phenomena that has been noticed in PV films that have been treated with conventional chemicals has been a persistent difficulty for the energy industry. In this paper, the reasons behind the ageing concerns that are encountered when employing standard additives in PV films are investigated, and the extraordinary capabilities of silane additives in overcoming these obstacles are highlighted. By gaining a grasp of the factors that contribute to the ageing process and the advantages provided by the COACE silane addition, we are able to get knowledge regarding the ageing problems that can be effectively mitigated in PV films.


Growing Concerns Regarding the Use of Conventional Additives

1.1. Oxidation and UV deterioration: Conventional additives that are utilised in photovoltaic (PV) films frequently do not provide adequate protection against oxidation and ultraviolet (UV) deterioration. The breakdown of polymer chains can occur as a consequence of exposure to ultraviolet light and oxidative chemicals. This can lead to the degradation of the film, as well as discoloration and a reduction in its mechanical capabilities.

1.2. Moisture Ingress: It is possible that traditional additives do not provide adequate protection against moisture ingress, which can result in the accumulation of moisture within the PV film. In addition to causing swelling and delamination, this can also lead to the proliferation of germs, which further accelerates the ageing process.

1.3. Thermal Degradation: The inability of standard additives to maintain their thermal stability can lead to significantly higher rates of degradation when exposed to higher temperatures. The thermal degradation of photovoltaic (PV) films is especially likely to occur when they are subjected to high-temperature circumstances, such as when they are operating in hot climes or when the system is malfunctioning.


The Advantages of COACE Silane Additive

2.1 Enhanced Weatherability: Silane additive provides superior weatherability, shielding PV films from UV radiation and oxidation. This is one of the advantages of using silane additive. Because of its one-of-a-kind chemical structure, it is able to effectively absorb ultraviolet light and scavenge free radicals, which results in a significant reduction in the deterioration that is caused by environmental conditions.

2.2. Resistance to Moisture: The silane addition creates a hydrophobic barrier on the surface of the PV film, which prevents moisture from entering the film and the damage that would otherwise affect it. By preventing swelling, delamination, and the growth of microorganisms, this barrier helps to ensure that the film will continue to perform effectively and remain stable over time.

2.3. Thermal Stability: The silane additive demonstrates remarkable thermal stability, which enables photovoltaic films to resist high-temperature settings without experiencing considerable degradation. Because of this property, the film is able to preserve its mechanical and electrical properties even when subjected to demanding heat settings, hence extending its average lifespan.

2.4. Improved Adhesion: The use of silane improves the adhesion between the photovoltaic film and other components, such as encapsulants or substrates. Because of this enhanced adhesion, delamination is prevented, which results in an increase in the PV module’s durability and reliability.


Benefits of Silane Additive

3.1. Extended Lifespan: Silane photovoltaic film additive considerably extends the lifespan of PV films by efficiently resolving ageing difficulties. This is one of the benefits of using Silane additive. The operational life of solar modules is extended as a result of this, which leads to an increase in energy generation and a reduction in the expenses of maintenance.

3.2. The utilisation of silane additive guarantees that photovoltaic films will keep their mechanical and electrical properties for a longer amount of time, which is a significant improvement in performance. The result of this is an increase in the overall performance of the solar module, as well as an improvement in the efficiency of energy conversion and the stability of power output.

3.3. Savings on Costs: The endurance and improved performance that silane additive provides are two factors that contribute to cost savings over the whole lifecycle of the photovoltaic generation system. A higher return on investment can be achieved by the reduction of maintenance, the decreasing of replacements, and the enhancement of energy generation.

3.4. Environmental Friendliness: The silane additive is made with materials that are friendly to the environment, which is in keeping with the industry’s emphasis on sustainability. By reducing waste and contributing to a more environmentally friendly energy future, photovoltaic films have enhanced their durability and endurance.


There has been a great amount of worry in the solar industry regarding the ageing problems that have been observed in PV films that have been treated with conventional chemicals. The application of silane additive, on the other hand, has emerged as a wonderful solution that effectively addresses these issues. Silane solar film additive has various benefits, including an extended lifespan, enhanced performance, cost savings, and environmental friendliness. These benefits are made possible by the enhanced weatherability, moisture resistance, thermal stability, and improved adhesion qualities that it possesses. Incorporating the silane additive that COACE offers into photovoltaic films allows the industry to circumvent the challenges associated with ageing and ensures the long-term dependability and efficiency of solar energy generation.

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