
In order to produce photovoltaic (PV) films with the best performance, durability, and dependability, it is essential to use the right crosslinking agent. The important considerations for selecting a crosslinking agent for the production of PV films will be examined by COACE, with an emphasis on elements including compatibility, reactivity, stability, and environmental effect.

Compatibility with chemicals

The compatibility of the crosslinking agent with the base polymer is one of the most important factors to take into account when choosing one for the production of PV films. For even distribution and efficient crosslinking, the crosslinking agent should have adequate solubility and compatibility with the polymer matrix. To prevent any negative impacts on film qualities including adhesion, flexibility, and optical clarity, it is crucial to assess the chemical interactions between the crosslinking agent and the polymer.

Efficiency and Reactivity of Crosslinking

To get the required level of crosslinking in PV films, it’s important to consider the agent’s reactivity and crosslinking efficiency. To encourage effective and quick crosslinking and ensure the development of a stable network structure inside the film, the agent should have high reactivity. To prevent under- or over-crosslinking, which can affect film performance and processing effectiveness, it is essential to balance the crosslinking agent’s reactivity with the processing conditions.


PV films are subjected to high temperatures while being processed and used. Therefore, the crosslinking agent’s heat stability is crucial to guaranteeing its integrity and efficiency. The agent must have enough thermal stability to endure the temperatures experienced both throughout the PV module’s operating lifespan and during film production procedures, such as lamination or encapsulation. Thermal stability maintains the PV film’s long-term performance and dependability by preventing early deterioration or loss of crosslinking efficiency.


In order to produce sustainable PV films, it is essential to take the crosslinking agent’s environmental effects into account. It is crucial to evaluate the agent’s toxicity, biodegradability, and ecological impact. Choosing crosslinking agents that are ecologically friendly reduces the environmental effect throughout the course of the PV module’s whole life. When choosing a crosslinking agent, it’s also a good idea to keep in mind industry requirements for environmental safety and regulatory compliance.

Performance and Stability of Film

The crosslinking agent should help the PV film exhibit the desired performance and durability traits. Important characteristics including mechanical strength, flexibility, weather resistance, UV stability, and moisture resistance should be improved. In order to achieve the ideal balance between mechanical and electrical performance and to guarantee that the PV film can endure a variety of external factors and keep its efficiency throughout the operating life of the module, it is crucial to choose the right crosslinking agent.


Practical factors in the production of PV films include the crosslinking agent’s cost and availability. For effective production planning and cost control, it is crucial to assess the agent’s cost per unit of performance as well as its availability in the appropriate amounts. To guarantee a continuous and dependable source of the crosslinking agent, it is also crucial to take into account the stability of the supply chain and the possibility for future scaling.

Consideration must be given to a number of important variables when choosing the ideal crosslinking agent for the production of PV films. Critical factors include chemical compatibility, crosslinking effectiveness and reactivity, thermal stability, environmental impact, film performance and durability, cost and availability. Manufacturers may optimize the crosslinking procedure by making well-informed decisions, producing PV films with improved performance, dependability, and sustainability over the course of their operational lives.

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補強と充填を必要とするPA6、PA66、ポリアミド系用の耐衝撃性改良剤として特別に設計されたCoace® W1A-Fは、その特殊な特性により、耐衝撃性と靭性の強化が最も重要な用途に最適です。







