
One of the most versatile types of packaging material, multi-layer coextruded film is utilized in a wide variety of sectors. Having the capability to insert useful additives into its composition is one of the most significant advantages it possesses. These additives serve to improve the performance of the film while also providing new capabilities that can be utilized to fulfill particular packaging needs. With the intention of providing a detailed examination of the many different functional additives that can be added into multi-layer coextruded film, this article will accomplish its goal. In this study, we will investigate the impact of several additives, including UV stabilizers, anti-static agents, anti-fog agents, slide agents, and oxygen scavengers, on the qualities of films, the protection of products, the extension of shelf life, and the overall performance of packaging.

Anti-UV Stabilizers

In order to shield packed goods from the potentially damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) light, UV stabilizers are frequently added into multi-layer coextruded film. By absorbing or reflecting ultraviolet radiation, these additives prevent the light from penetrating the film and reaching the contents of the container. Products that are sensitive to light degradation, such as food, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural products, can have their integrity, color, and quality preserved with the help of UV stabilizers. UV stabilizers work by lowering the amount of UV exposure that these products receive.

Agents that prevent static

The incorporation of anti-static compounds is absolutely necessary in settings where static electricity might accumulate, such as during the making of films, the processing of documents, or the handling of materials. Anti-static additives alter the surface properties of the film, which result in a decrease in the accumulation of static charges and a reduction in the attraction of dust or other particulate matter. This helps to maintain the cleanliness and look of the packaged product, which is especially beneficial in industries such as electronics, where static discharge can cause harm to delicate components.



Agents that prevent fogging

When there is a temperature difference between the film and the surroundings, condensation can cause multi-layer coextruded film to fog up. This results in the film being unsightly. In order to solve this problem, anti-fog chemicals are utilized. These agents work by lowering the surface tension of the film, which enables water droplets to spread out uniformly as a transparent layer rather of contributing to the formation of visible fog. This guarantees that the packaged product is visible to the greatest extent possible, which is especially important in applications such as fresh fruit, cold foods, and hot beverages.

The Slip Agents

Additives known as slip agents are put into multi-layer coextruded film in order to lessen the amount of friction that occurs between the layers of the film or between the film and the processing equipment. With the addition of these chemicals, the handling properties of the film are improved, which makes winding, processing, and packing processes more enjoyable. Through the reduction of surface friction, slip agents not only improve the machinability of the film but also avoid problems with blockage or sticking that may occur during the manufacturing or distribution of the product.

The Oxygen-Saving Agents

Oxygen scavengers are functional additives that assist extend the shelf life of items that are sensitive to oxygen. The oxygen molecules that are included within the package are reacted with by these additives, which results in the removal or significant reduction of their concentration. Oxygen scavengers prevent oxidation and deterioration of items such as food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals by reducing the amount of oxygen inside the product. This allows the product to retain its freshness, flavor, and effectiveness for a longer period of time.



When it comes to improving the capabilities and performance of multi-layer coextruded film, functional additives are an extremely important constituent. Oxygen scavengers lengthen shelf life, UV stabilizers protect against ultraviolet radiation, anti-static agents reduce static charges, anti-fog agents keep vision intact, slip agents facilitate handling, and UV stabilizers protect against electromagnetic radiation. The integration of these additives not only improves the protective characteristics of the film, but it also provides solutions that are specifically customized to meet the requirements of particular packaging applications. It is possible for manufacturers and packaging specialists to maximize the performance and functionality of multi-layer coextruded film in a variety of industries by gaining a grasp of the benefits and applications of these functional additives. This will ensure that the product is of high quality and that consumers are satisfied with whatever they purchase.In order to better increase the performance of multi-layer co-extruded films and to expand their application capabilities, COACE’s advanced シラン添加剤 integrate the functions of the additives that have been discussed previously.

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補強と充填を必要とするPA6、PA66、ポリアミド系用の耐衝撃性改良剤として特別に設計されたCoace® W1A-Fは、その特殊な特性により、耐衝撃性と靭性の強化が最も重要な用途に最適です。







