
Although nylon is utilized in many aspects of life and industry, modified nylon is more common due to the constant development of performance standards and adaption to various working settings. However, the issue of dropping paint that was present while spray painting modified nylon remains. How can the paint peel off modified nylon be fixed? Let’s look at the basic ways of nylon modification.

Modified nylon is very important since it can be extended to be used in more sectors and its performance, improvement, and extra functions may be enhanced. There are four primary ways to modify nylon: glass fiber reinforcement, flame resistance, transparency, and weather resistance. The following elements are basically part of its functional improvement:

Nylon with glass fiber reinforcement

Depending on the ratio of the various glass fibers, nylon may be reinforced with glass fiber to satisfy a variety of needs. For instance, the mechanical characteristics, dimensional stability, heat resistance, and aging resistance of nylon may all be greatly enhanced by adding 30% glass fiber. Fatigue resistance has doubled in improvement.

Nylon that resists flames

Flame-retardant additives are added to nylon to provide it flame-retardant characteristics. It should be remembered, nonetheless, that during the process of strengthening, the flame retardant is easily combustible at high temperatures. The injection speed must also be technologically managed at the same time. Avoid product discolouration and loss of mechanical qualities owing to decomposition brought on by high temperatures.

nylon that is clear
Similar to optical glass, transparent nylon offers excellent light transmission in addition to having strong tensile strength, impact resistance, stiffness, abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, and other qualities.

Nylon that resists weather

Nylon has weather-resistant nylon added to it to block UV radiation from substances like carbon black.

The many nylon changes discussed above have various uses. Although glass fiber-reinforced nylon can increase its qualities, its adhesive properties are poor, making surface treatment and painting of glass fiber-added nylon substrates more popular. The issue of paint peeling is also present since there is a weak adhesive effect between the paint and the nylon substrate, which further complicates issues.

As a result, the priming technique of nylon plus glass fiber treatment agent is typically employed in the painting process of nylon with glass fiber to address the issue of paint dropping due to poor adherence. Its fundamental application idea is that the nylon treatment agent brushes on the nylon material to produce a thick film, which can increase the surface polarity of the material and improve adhesion by increasing the intermolecular force. The film layer’s two-way hydroxyl connection, which connects the nylon treatment agent and the paint resin molecule to one another, is what allows the topcoat to promote adhesion.

A five-part injection molding process

Temperature, including that of the barrel, the mold, the drying environment, the hydraulic oil, etc.

Pressure: mold opening pressure, mold locking pressure, thimble pressure, back pressure, injection pressure, etc.

Timing, including injection, pressure holding, cooling, and drying times.

Speed: the rate of injection, melting, opening and shutting of molds, demolish, etc.

Placement, including measuring, ejection, and mold opening positions.

5 essential duties of a dispatcher
1: Use 5M1E (man, machine, material, method, test, and environment) to assess the issue, identify the true reason of the quality abnormality, and then alter the machine when you meet quality abnormalities.
2: When modifying the machine, only change one parameter at a time, watch for two to three seconds, clearly assess the condition of the machine, mold, and material, and then make the necessary modifications.
3: Defects in injection molding Mold anomalies account for 70%–80% of the variance, whereas equipment or material limitations account for 10%–20% of the variance. Prototypes and initial pieces shouldn’t be handled using specific approaches because doing so leads to a high failure rate and production losses.

4: It is necessary to go back and improve and shorten the cycle of 2–3 seconds after the first piece has been produced normally for two hours; after half a shift of normally produced items, it is necessary to go back and improve and shorten the cycle of 2–3 seconds; and so on until the above operation reaches the highest level of efficiency and quality.
5: Check the machine once every two hours to see if any of the parameters are out of the ordinary, the mold temperature and barrel temperature are within range, the nozzle, barrel baking material, mold condition, and operation of the ancillary equipment are all in accordance with normal, and the machine is patrolled for any abnormalities.

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