How do EVA grafted silane photovoltaic film additives compare to other materials used in solar panel encapsulation?

Renewable energy sources like solar panels are becoming increasingly important, and the encapsulation materials used in their construction are critical to their longevity and performance. Additives for photovoltaic films with grafted silane made of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) have drawn a lot of interest as a possible way to improve solar panel encapsulation. In order to better understand the benefits, drawbacks, and overall performance characteristics of EVA grafted silane photovoltaic film additives, this article will compare and contrast them with other materials that are frequently used in solar panel encapsulation.

Silane Photovoltaic Film Additives with EVA Grafting

Specialized compounds known as EVAグラフトシラン太陽電池フィルム添加剤 are mixed with the solar panel’s encapsulating layer of ethylene vinyl acetate. Solar panels operate better and last longer thanks to these chemicals, which also increase the encapsulating layer’s adhesion, moisture resistance, and general durability.

EVA-only Encapsulation Comparison

Solar panels with conventional EVA-only encapsulation have been around for a while. Although EVA offers high adherence to solar cells and optical qualities, its moisture resistance and long-term durability are limited. In order to overcome these drawbacks, EVA grafted silane photovoltaic film additives improve overall durability and moisture resistance, extending the dependability and lifespan of solar panels.

TPT/Backsheet Encapsulation Comparison

Using a Tedlar/Backsheet or Tedlar/Polyester/Tedlar (TPT) combination is another popular encapsulation method. Compared to EVA-based encapsulation, TPT/Backsheet encapsulation can be less flexible and more expensive, but it offers superior moisture and UV protection. Photovoltaic film additives made of EVA grafted silane provide a more affordable option that has similar UV protection and better resistance to moisture.

Glass-Glass Encapsulation Comparison

An innovative method that offers remarkable long-term durability and protection against moisture and UV rays is glass-glass encapsulation. However, compared to EVA-based encapsulation using grafted silane photovoltaic film additives, glass-glass enclosed modules may be heavier and more costly to make. Furthermore, glass-glass modules are less adaptable in some applications and can need specific installation methods.

Benefits of Silane Photovoltaic Film Additives with EVA Grafting

Better Moisture Resistance: EVA grafted silane photovoltaic film additives provide better moisture resistance than EVA-only encapsulation, reducing the possibility of delamination and module failure brought on by moisture infiltration.


These additives’ grafted silane component increases adhesion between the solar cells and the encapsulation layer, lowering the possibility of air gaps and enhancing module performance as a whole.

Cost-Effective Solution

While offering better performance characteristics, EVA grafted silane solar film additives offer an inexpensive substitute for more costly encapsulating materials like glass-glass.

Mitigation of Potentially Induced Degradation (PID)

EVA grafted silane photovoltaic film additives have demonstrated efficacy in diminishing the incidence and intensity of PID, guaranteeing the durability and dependability of solar panels over an extended period.

Integration Ease: By integrating these additives easily into the current EVA encapsulation procedures, manufacturing workflow disturbance can be minimized.

To sum up, when it comes to solar panel encapsulation, EVA grafted silane photovoltaic film additives provide a number of benefits over alternative materials. They efficiently mitigate potential-induced degradation and offer increased adhesion, improved moisture resistance, and cost-effective solutions. Glass-glass encapsulation has more weight, higher expense, and less flexibility even though it offers better moisture protection and durability. In the end, the selection of encapsulation material is determined by the particular requirements of the project, taking into account installation constraints, performance, and economic considerations. EVA grafted silane photovoltaic film additives are a feasible and attractive solution for optimizing the encapsulation of solar panels, boosting overall efficiency, and advancing solar energy technology.

An additional component utilized in the solar photovoltaic cell packaging process is photovoltaic encapsulation film additive. Its primary purpose is to enhance the efficiency and performance of solar cell encapsulation through process optimization. The success rate of solar encapsulation film packaging can be increased by adding the proper additives (especially when added to the hot melt adhesive of the photovoltaic film level). The yield will increase as a result of the use of chemicals, which will effectively improve the film’s adhesion to the solar silicon crystal panel. The majority of users use COACE photovoltaic packaging film additives because of their high grafting rate, good fluidity, high resistivity, low crystal point, and other qualities!

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