
Because of the numerous advantages that they provide, multilayer coextruded films are gaining more and more popularity in the food business. One of these advantages is that they have improved barrier qualities, which help in the preservation of food. The purpose of this paper is to present a complete and multidimensional investigation of the effectiveness of multilayer coextruded films as barrier solutions for the preservation of food. Through the examination of a variety of perspectives, including barrier performance, shelf life extension, product quality maintenance, and industry applications, we are able to acquire a better understanding of the effectiveness of these films in the preservation of food.



Coextruded films with many layers are intended to serve as an efficient barrier against external elements that have the potential to lower the quality of food consumed. Some important factors to consider are:

a. Oxygen Barrier: Oxygen is a significant contributor to the destruction of food, which includes oxidative spoilage, changes in colour, and deterioration of flavour. In order to lessen the amount of oxygen that can pass through multilayer coextruded films and to lengthen their shelf life, oxygen barrier materials like polyamide (PA) or ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) are frequently used into these films.

a. Moisture Barrier: According to research, moisture has the ability to hasten the growth of microorganisms, cause chemical reactions, and alter the texture of food products. Films that are multilayer coextruded and have moisture barrier qualities help to retain the desired moisture content and prevent moisture migration, which ultimately helps to preserve the quality of the prepared food.

b. Barrier to fragrance and Flavour: Certain food products are sensitive to the loss of fragrance and flavour, which can occur as a result of the migration of volatile compounds. The sensory qualities of the meal can be preserved by using multilayer coextruded films, which can be customised to offer a barrier against the migration of volatile compounds.

Extension of the Shelf Life

One of the key goals of using multilayer coextruded films as barrier solutions is to increase the amount of time that food goods can be stored without going bad. Extension of shelf life can be attributed to a number of factors, including:

a. Protection against microorganisms: Multilayer coextruded films perform the function of a physical barrier, thereby inhibiting the entry of microorganisms and lowering the likelihood of food spoiling and diseases caused by foodborne pathogens. It is especially important to provide this protection for food items that are ready to consume and perish on the shelf.

Protection against Light: Food that is exposed to light, particularly ultraviolet (UV) radiation, might experience a loss of colour and a reduction in the amount of nutrients it contains. UV-blocking layers are frequently incorporated into multilayer coextruded films. These layers protect the food from the degradation of its quality that is caused by light.

In terms of temperature control, 多層共押出しフィルム have the ability to offer thermal insulation, which assists in the preservation of the desired temperature throughout the storage and transportation processes. The presence of this characteristic is essential for temperature-sensitive food products, which must be stored under particular temperatures in order to maintain their quality and safety levels.


Maintaining the Quality of the Product

Multilayer coextruded films are an important component in the process of preserving the quality characteristics of food products, including the following:

a. Texture Preservation: The moisture barrier qualities of these films ensure that the desired texture of meals like baked goods, snacks, and cereals is maintained. This is accomplished by preventing the loss or absorption of moisture.

b. Retention of Freshness: The oxygen and moisture barrier capabilities of multilayer coextruded films help to the preservation of freshness in a variety of food products, such as fruits, vegetables, and meats. This includes the preservation of colour, aroma, and taste.

Nutrient Preservation: Multilayer coextruded films help preserve the nutritional value of food by reducing the amount of oxygen, light, and moisture that the food is exposed to. This includes the preservation of vitamins, antioxidants, and other molecules that are sensitive to these elements.


Applications in the Industry

Coextruded films with several layers find widespread use in the food industry, where they are utilised as efficient barrier solutions for a wide variety of products, including but not limited to:

2. Fresh Produce: These films are commonly used for packaging fresh fruits and vegetables, keeping them from external elements that might lead to spoiling, dehydration, and loss of nutritional content. a. Fresh Produce: These films are used for packaging fresh fruits and vegetables.

b. Meat and Poultry: Multilayer coextruded films constitute a protective barrier for meat and poultry products, thereby preventing contamination, preserving freshness, and reducing the risk of oxidative rancidity.

c. Snacks and Bakery Products: These films help preserve the crispness, flavour, and quality of snacks, cookies, crackers, and other bakery items. This results in a longer shelf life and creates a more satisfying sensory experience.


It has been demonstrated that multilayer coextruded films are suitable barrier solutions for the preservation of food. These films offer improved barrier performance, an extended shelf life, and the preservation of product quality. These films contribute to the preservation of freshness, texture, flavour, and nutritional content in a variety of food products by acting as a barrier that keeps oxygen, moisture, light, and contaminants out of the production process. Additionally, the fact that they have a wide range of uses in the food business demonstrates how successful they are as barrier solutions. In order to further improve the efficacy and sustainability of multilayer coextruded films as key tools for food preservation, research and development activities should be continued in the areas of optimising barrier qualities, researching sustainable alternatives, and enhancing recyclability.

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