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What is POE (Polyolefin Elastomer) for Photovoltaic Encapsulation Film?

In order to produce photovoltaic encapsulation films, polyolefin elastomers (POEs) are frequently employed because of their superior mechanical, thermal, and chemical characteristics. These essential coatings shield solar modules from harmful environmental elements including UV radiation, high temperatures, and dampness. The definition of POE and the reasons it is a good material for photovoltaic encapsulation films will be thoroughly discussed in this article.

Describe POE

POE is a thermoplastic elastomer that possesses both rubbery and plastic qualities. It is a polyolefin-based substance that is created in a high-pressure reactor by mixing ethylene and an alpha-olefin. The POE’s mechanical qualities come from its branching and amorphous structure, which is the consequence of the polymerization process. The POE’s crystallinity is further decreased by the branching structure, increasing its flexibility and elastic properties. Excellent physical characteristics of POEs include their flexibility, performance in low temperatures, and resilience to UV rays and chemicals.

Why do photovoltaic encapsulation films employ POE?

Solar cells are shielded with photovoltaic encapsulation films from environmental factors that might harm or impair their performance. Excellent mechanical, thermal, and chemical qualities are required of these films. Due to its characteristics, POE is a desirable material for photovoltaic encapsulation films. This is why:

1. Flexibility: POE is flexible at low temperatures because to its low glass transition temperature. Due to this characteristic, the encapsulation film keeps its elasticity and resists cracking even in low-temperature situations.

2. UV radiation resistance: POE is UV radiation resistant, which helps shield solar cells from deterioration brought on by extended exposure to sunshine.

3. Chemical resistance: POE has good chemical resistance, preventing the encapsulating layer from deteriorating or breaking down when exposed to environmental pollutants.

4. Processing simplicity: POE is simple to transform into a variety of films, sheets, and molded items. Due to this characteristic, it may be used to produce photovoltaic encapsulation films in large quantities.

How are POE materials used to create photovoltaic encapsulation films?

In order to create film di incapsulamento fotovoltaico, POE is either utilized as a substrate or as an adhesive. Depending on their production method, manufacturers can either employ POE as a substrate or as an adhesive. For instance, POE may be used as a substrate in the co-extrusion process, where a thin coating of POE is co-extruded with a layer of EVA to create the encapsulating film. In order to create the encapsulating film, POE is sandwiched between two layers of EVA and employed as an adhesive.


To sum up, POE is a thermoplastic elastomer that possesses both rubbery and plastic qualities. Due to its superior mechanical, thermal, and chemical characteristics, it is the perfect material for solar encapsulation films. Due to its flexibility, UV radiation resistance, chemical resistance, and processing simplicity, it is frequently employed in the fabrication of encapsulation films. Depending on their manufacturing method, manufacturers can employ POE as an adhesive or a substrate. Solar cells are shielded from the elements by the use of POE in photovoltaic encapsulation films, resulting in maximum performance and lifetime.


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