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What are the structures of different barrier films in food films❓

When it comes to food packaging, film barriera are extremely important since they offer protection against a variety of external variables, including moisture, air, light, and pathogens. In order to select appropriate packaging materials, it is vital to have a solid understanding of the structural similarities and differences of the various barrier films. Through an examination of their composition, qualities, and applications, the purpose of this article is to provide a detailed analysis of the structures of a variety of barrier films that are utilised in the packaging of food.

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

PET films, which are often characterised by their exceptional barrier qualities, are made up of a polymer chain that is composed of ethylene terephthalate units that are repeated. Generally speaking, these films are orientated in a biaxial direction, which improves both their mechanical strength and their barrier function. A dense amorphous zone, which contributes to the gas barrier qualities of PET films, and a semi-crystalline region, which provides mechanical strength, are both components of the structure of PET films. Carbonated beverages, snacks, and sauces are all examples of products that are frequently packaged using PET films.


Polypropylene (PP)

The structure of PP films is semi-crystalline, and they are made up of repeating propylene units within their composition. The stiffness and barrier properties of polypropylene (PP) films are improved by the presence of crystalline areas inside the films. Further modification of PP films can be accomplished by introducing additives or coatings in order to improve the barrier performance of the films. In applications that require heat resistance, such as packaging for food that can be heated in the microwave, these films are utilised extensively. Additionally, they are utilised for snacks, bakery products, and confectionery.

Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol (EVOH)

Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol (EVOHThe term “ethylene vinyl alcohol” (EVOH) refers to films that are made up of alternating monomers of ethylene and vinyl alcohol, which together compose a structure that is extremely polar. Therefore, EVOH films are excellent for oxygen-sensitive products because of their exceptional oxygen barrier qualities, which are provided by their one-of-a-kind structure. In order to generate high-performance barrier films for meat, cheese, and shelf-stable food packaging, EVOH films are frequently employed as a middle layer in multilayer constructions. These films are sandwiched between other polymers such as polyethylene or polypropylene.


Aluminum Foil

Aluminium foil is generally recognised for its exceptional barrier characteristics against oxygen, light, and moisture. Aluminium foil is produced by the aluminium industry. The structure of aluminium foil consists of a layer of solid metal that functions as an efficient barrier. The use of aluminium foil as a laminate layer in flexible packaging designs is a standard practice. This layer offers great protection for food goods such as coffee, snacks and dairy products.

Polylactic Acid (PLA)

An environmentally friendly alternative to conventional barrier films, polylactic acid films are made from renewable resources like corn or sugarcane and offer a sustainable option. PLA films have a structure that is made up of a linear polymer chain that is made up of lactic acid units. PLA films have a moderate level of barrier qualities, and in order to increase their overall performance, they are frequently mixed with other materials, such as EVOH, or coated with barrier layers. The packaging of fresh produce, bakery goods, and beverages that do not include carbonation are all examples of applications for PLA films.



In order to pick appropriate materials that will preserve the integrity of the product and its shelf life, it is vital to have a thorough understanding of the structural properties of the various barrier films that are used in food packaging. The particular molecular structures of the many types of barrier films are responsible for the distinct features that each form of barrier film exhibits. These properties include resistance to moisture, gas insulation, and mechanical strength. By taking into account these structural aspects, producers are able to make educated judgements regarding the selection of barrier films for a variety of applications involving food packaging. This helps to ensure that food products remain fresh and of high quality when they are sold on the market.

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