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Quali sono le normative e gli standard che regolano l'uso delle pellicole per l'imballaggio alimentare?

When it comes to guaranteeing the quality and safety of food products, the packaging of food is an extremely important factor. Although there are many different kinds of materials that can be used for food packaging, food packaging films are the most popular choice because of their adaptability, durability, and barrier qualities. On the other hand, the utilisation of food packaging films must be in accordance with stringent norms and standards in order to protect the health of consumers, inhibit contamination, and preserve the integrity of the product. This article presents a detailed review of the legislation and standards that govern the usage of food packaging films from a variety of different points of view.

The Framework for Regulation

distinct countries and areas have distinct regulatory frameworks for food packaging films. These frameworks might vary significantly. In accordance with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for regulating the materials that are used for food packaging in the United States. Films used for food packaging are governed by the Framework Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 in the European Union. Additionally, specific directives and rules, such as Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials that are intended to come into contact with food, are also in place.


Regarding the Safety of Things

Food packaging film laws have the primary purpose of ensuring the safety of customers as its principal societal goal. It is imperative that materials that come into touch with food, such as packaging films, do not transfer dangerous compounds to the food in proportions that could result in a threat to human health. Certain compounds, including heavy metals, bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates, and certain additives, are subject to precise migration limitations that are established by regulatory bodies in order to reduce the likelihood of adverse health effects.

Components needed for packaging and additives

Films for food packaging can be fabricated from a variety of materials, including plastics, paper, or aluminium, among others. With regard to rules and standards, every substance has its own unique set. In the case of plastic films, for instance, it is necessary to adhere to certain standards for the type of plastic that is utilised, such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), or polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Furthermore, the use of additives in pellicole per l'imballaggio alimentare, which include antioxidants, UV stabilisers, and antimicrobial agents, is subject to particular laws in order to guarantee the safety of these additives and ensure that they are suitable for contact with food.

Food film additives from COACE, which are authorised by the FDA, have the potential to significantly improve performance and are extremely well-liked by our partners.

Evaluation and Accreditation Tests

It is expected of makers of food packaging film that they carry out thorough testing in order to ensure that they are in accordance with legislation and standards. In order to evaluate the quality and safety of packaging films, a number of different analytical methods are utilised. These methods include migration testing, sensory evaluation, and chemical analysis. In addition, certificates may be issued by independent certification authorities to verify that the packaging films are in compliance with the specifications that are essential.


Essential Requirements for Labelling and Information

Labelling food packaging films in a way that is both clear and accurate is absolutely necessary in order to supply customers with the necessary information regarding the product and how it should be used safely. The inclusion of particular information on packaging is frequently mandated by regulations. This information may include the composition of the commodity, information about the maker, and any symbols or warnings that are pertinent. The standards for labelling may also extend to specific claims, such as “microwave-safe” or “recyclable,” in order to provide openness and enable consumers to make decisions based on accurate information.

Considerazioni sull'ambiente

Over the course of the past several years, there has been a growing emphasis placed on the environmental impact that food packaging films have. As a means of addressing issues over the utilisation of plastics that are either non-recyclable or single-use, regulations and standards are undergoing development. Many nations have taken steps to encourage recycling and the use of environmentally friendly materials for packaging, and they have also implemented these policies. As an illustration, the European Union has established goals for the recycling of plastic and the reduction of waste made of plastic.


There is a complete set of laws and standards that govern the use of food packaging films. These regulations and standards are designed to protect consumers and maintain the integrity of products. In order to ensure compliance with these standards, it is necessary to take into account the safety of the materials, the utilisation of additives, the testing and certification requirements, the labelling conditions, and the environmental sustainability. Maintaining compliance with these rules not only safeguards the interests of customers but also makes a contribution to the long-term viability of the food packaging sector as a whole. It is vital for producers, regulatory authorities, and consumers to remain informed and collaborate in order to handle emerging difficulties and assure the safety and quality of food packaging films. This is because the area is continuously evolving, and it is essential that they do work together.



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