Trova messaggi
Quali sono gli additivi più utilizzati nei film di incapsulamento fotovoltaico e come migliorano l'efficienza dei moduli?

PV encapsulation films, which protect the underlying photovoltaic cells and increase their efficiency, are essential parts of solar modules. Additives increase module efficiency by maximizing a number of different parameters. Coace seeks to provide a thorough overview of the most widely used additives in solar encapsulation films, their effects on module efficiency, and an explanation of their advantages and functionalities.

Counter-Reflective Layers

Adding anti-reflective (AR) coatings to solar encapsulation films is a common practice. By lowering incident light reflection, these coatings increase the amount of sunlight that reaches the photovoltaic cells. AR coatings increase the efficiency of the module by reducing light losses caused by reflection, particularly in high-angle sunlight circumstances. They boost the quantity of energy converted and enhance light absorption, which raises power production.

UV Protectants and Anti-Degradation Substances

Photovoltaic encapsulation films can lose some of their functionality and durability when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. To prevent this degradation, the films are supplemented with UV stabilizers and anti-degradation chemicals. These additives ensure that the films retain their optical qualities over time by assisting in the prevention of UV-induced yellowing, breaking, and loss of transparency. The longevity of the solar module is increased and module efficiency is preserved by shielding the encapsulation coatings from UV deterioration.

Additives for Moisture Barriers

Permeation of moisture can cause corrosion, decreased electrical performance, and early module failure. As such, moisture barrier additives are critical to the performance of solar encapsulation films. By forming a strong moisture barrier, these chemicals stop water vapor from getting to the module’s delicate parts. The additives retain the electrical characteristics of the solar cells by keeping the surroundings dry, which guarantees maximum energy conversion efficiency and long-term module reliability.

Adhesion Inducing and Cross-Linking Substances

Adhesion promoters and cross-linking agents are frequently added additives to photovoltaic encapsulation films to guarantee their mechanical integrity and longevity. Adhesion promoters improve the overall cohesiveness of the film by strengthening the bonds between the encapsulated components and the various film layers. Conversely, cross-linking chemicals strengthen and increase the film’s resistance to environmental pressures by promoting chemical cross-linking inside the film. By strengthening the film’s mechanical characteristics and increasing its resistance to physical shocks, moisture, and temperature changes, these additives raise the efficiency and dependability of the modules.

Heat-Transmitting Fillers

In order to maximize the efficiency of solar modules, heat control is essential. Encapsulation films are improved in their ability to dissipate heat by adding thermally conductive fillers, including graphene or ceramic particles. By enhancing the transfer of surplus heat produced during solar energy conversion, these additives lower the photovoltaic cells’ operating temperature. The electrical performance of the module is preserved by efficiently dispersing heat, avoiding efficiency losses brought on by high temperatures.

Texturizing agents and particles that scatter light

Texturizing agents and light-scattering particles are additives that improve light trapping in solar cells. By rerouting and scattering incident light, these additives enhance light absorption and raise the possibility of numerous interactions. These additives, especially in thin-film or low-absorption materials, improve the efficiency of the module by efficiently trapping more light within the active layer of the solar cells.

To sum up, additives are essential for raising photovoltaic encapsulation films’ efficiency. By addressing different performance and reliability issues, anti-reflective coatings, UV stabilizers, moisture barrier additives, adhesion promoters, cross-linking agents, thermal conductive fillers, light-scattering particles, and texturizing agents all help to optimize module efficiency. Their thoughtful selection and incorporation into encapsulation films are critical to the solar energy technology’ ongoing progress. COACE has a team of senior engineers and PhD holders who oversee the R&D, manufacture, and servicing of photovoltaic packaging film additives. The majority of consumers use COACE solar packaging film additives because of their high resistivity, good fluidity, low crystal point, high grafting rate, and high transparency!

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