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Quali sono i principali tipi di agenti indurenti utilizzati per le poliammidi?

Polyamides are thermoplastic engineering materials with exceptional mechanical characteristics that are widely used. Nonetheless, toughening chemicals are frequently added to polyamides to improve their performance even more. By enhancing polyamides’ toughness, impact resistance, and other mechanical qualities, these agents increase the range of possible industrial uses for polyamides. The goal of this article is to give a thorough overview of the most common toughening agents for polyamides, covering their features, modes of action, and impacts on the properties of polyamides.

Rubber Toughening Agents

To increase the toughness of polyamides, rubber toughening agents, such as core-shell rubber particles, are frequently utilized. These agents are composed of a shell that is compatible with the polyamide matrix, encircling a rubber core. The energy-absorbing properties of the rubber particles diffuse stress and stop cracks from spreading, enhancing polyamides’ resilience to impact and toughness against fracture.

Another class of toughening agents utilized in polyamides is thermoplastic elastomers, or TPEs. TPEs give the polyamide matrix flexibility, elasticity, and toughness by combining the qualities of thermoplastics and elastomers. They diffuse into the polyamide to improve the material’s resistance to deformation under dynamic loading circumstances, elongation at break, and impact resistance.



As toughening agents for polyamides, nanoparticles like nanoclays and nanosilica have drawn interest. Because of their huge surface areas and high aspect ratios, these nanoparticles can strengthen the polyamide matrix and enhance its mechanical qualities. Since the nanoparticles create a strong interfacial link and prevent cracks from propagating within the material, they improve the modulus, strength, and toughness of polyamides.

Fibrous Reinforcements

Polyamides can be considerably toughened by adding fibrous reinforcements, such as carbon or glass fibers. As load-bearing components of the matrix, these reinforcements distribute stress and stop cracks from spreading. Fibrous reinforcements improve polyamides’ strength, stiffness, and impact resistance, which qualifies them for demanding applications.


Liquid Rubber and Oligomers

Liquid rubbers and oligomers are used to toughen polyamides. Examples of these materials are liquid polybutadiene and liquid epoxy. The polyamide matrix’s toughness and impact strength are increased by the easy mixing of these low-viscosity elements. Liquid rubbers and oligomers enhance polyamides’ ability to dissipate energy, averting catastrophic failure under impact loading.

Toughening agents that react chemically with the polyamide matrix during processing to generate a continuous phase include carboxyl-terminated butadiene acrylonitrile (CTBN) copolymers. By encouraging adhesion between the matrix and the dispersion phase, these compounds improve the impact resistance and toughness of polyamides. High-stress applications are an area where reactive toughening agents excel.

Plasticizers are additives that are used to increase the toughness and flexibility of polyamide materials. Plasticizers improve the flexibility and impact resistance of the material by lowering the matrix’s glass transition temperature (Tg). However, other qualities like chemical resistance and dimensional stability may suffer from an excessive plasticizer content.


Hybrid Toughening Systems

These systems work together to improve the characteristics of polyamides by combining several toughening chemicals. To meet the needs of a particular application, rubber particles can be combined with nanoparticles or fiber reinforcements to produce a combination of toughness, strength, and stiffness. A wider range of polyamide property optimization is possible with hybrid systems.

In summary, strengthening agents are essential for improving the mechanical characteristics of polyamides. Among the most common forms of toughening agents for polyamides are rubber toughening agents, thermoplastic elastomers, nanoparticles, fiber reinforcements, liquid rubbers, oligomers, reactive agents, plasticizers, and hybrid systems. By comprehending the properties and workings of these agents, high-performance polyamide materials can be designed and developed for a range of industries, increasing their usefulness in harsh settings.

W1A can be used as both a compatibilizer and a toughening agent. As a nylon compatibilizer, it is also suitable for PA/PE and PA/PP alloys, which can improve the toughness of the alloy. As a nylon toughening agent, its low temperature The performance is very superior, the impact strength of PA6+15%W1A at -40ºC can be maintained at 35-40% of the impact at room temperature.


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