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Quali sono i vantaggi del film coestruso multistrato?

One of the most versatile types of packaging material, multi-layer coextruded film is utilized in a wide variety of sectors. For the purpose of providing a full examination of the benefits that multi-layer coextruded film has to offer, COACE has been established. The benefits that this film offers in terms of barrier properties, product protection, customisation options, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness will be investigated through an examination of its distinctive traits, production process, and uses. When manufacturers, packaging professionals, and consumers have a better understanding of these benefits, they will be better able to appreciate the value and versatility of multi-layer coextruded film in meeting their packaging requirements.


Characteristics of an Improved Barrier

When it comes to the benefits of multi-layer coextruded film, one of the most significant advantages is its capacity to give better barrier qualities. The film is able to effectively protect packaged products from oxygen, moisture, light, and other external factors because it is constructed using multiple layers of materials that have different properties. These layers include high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP), and ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH). The functionality of this barrier helps to increase the shelf life of perishable goods, preserve the freshness of the product, and prevent the product from going bad.

Exceptional Protection for the Product

In addition to offering cushioning, impact resistance, and temperature stability, multi-layer coextruded film is an excellent choice for providing exceptional product protection. The film is constructed with numerous layers, which results in a sturdy structure that is able to endure stresses associated with transit, handling, and storage. Additionally, the film’s capacity to regulate oxygen and moisture permeability helps to reduce the danger of product degradation, which in turn helps to maintain the integrity and quality of the items that are packaged.


Provisions for Personalization

The manufacturing technique of multi-layer coextruded film enables a great degree of customization throughout the production process. Strength, flexibility, transparency, and printability are some of the specific characteristics that can be met by different layers that can be customized to fulfill individual needs. Because of this flexibility, producers are able to build packaging solutions that can accommodate a wide variety of product types, sizes, and customization requirements. Color, opacity, surface texture, and the insertion of functional additives such as UV stabilizers, anti-static agents, or anti-fog agents are all examples of qualities that can be customized.

Considerazioni sulla sostenibilità

When compared to conventional packaging materials, multi-layer coextruded film has a number of advantages as far as sustainability is concerned. The decreased weight of the film and the reduced amount of material use both contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions that occur during transportation and distribution. Additionally, the availability of elements that are both recyclable and biodegradable in the composition of the film contributes to the development of a circular economy and lessens the impact that it has on the environment.

The barrier capabilities of the film also contribute to the reduction of food waste by prolonging the shelf life of perishable products. This enables longer periods of storage and distribution, which help to decrease food waste. Furthermore, the utilization of superior coextrusion technologies enables the manufacturing of thinner films without sacrificing performance, hence further reducing the amount of material that is utilized.


Uso efficiente delle risorse

Multi-layer coextruded film offers packaging solutions that are both cost-effective and efficient. Because it is possible to mix a variety of materials and capabilities within a single film, the requirement for extra packaging components, such as separate barrier layers or adhesives, is reduced. The production process is simplified as a result of this consolidation, which also lowers the costs of labor and improves the overall operational efficiency.
Furthermore, the superior product protection features of the film reduce the danger of damage or spoilage during transit and storage, hence lowering the financial losses that are connected with product returns or waste. Because of the film’s barrier characteristics, it is possible to extend the shelf life of the product, which in turn enables improved inventory management and the possibility of cost savings.

Coextruded film with many layers provides a multitude of benefits when it comes to the field of packaging. As a result of its enhanced barrier properties, superior product protection, customisation options, concerns for sustainability, and cost-effectiveness, it is a popular choice across a variety of industries. Manufacturers, packaging experts, and consumers can all benefit from optimized packaging solutions that give enhanced shelf life, product integrity, branding opportunities, and environmental sustainability. These solutions can be achieved by utilizing the film’s specific properties and production capabilities.



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