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La differenza tra polietilene innestato con anidride maleica e anidride maleica

Maleic anhydride and maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene have different chemical properties and applications, but there are also great differences between the two. To understand the difference between the two more deeply, let’s first study their definitions and properties.

Definition and Properties

The anhydride of maleic acid is called maleic anhydride, sometimes also called anhydrous malic anhydride, maleic anhydride or maleic anhydride. At room temperature, it is white crystals with a strong pungent odor. In addition to having unique physical properties such as density, melting point, boiling point, flash point and refractive index, its chemical formula is C4H2O3, which has unique physical properties. Maleic anhydride can undergo a variety of chemical reactions, including hydrolysis to form maleic acid, alcoholysis to form monoesters, and so on. It is soluble in most organic solvents, including water and chloroform. Maleic anhydride is a raw material widely used in the production of unsaturated polyester resins, alkyd resins, pesticides and other products. This is because maleic anhydride has unique chemical properties.



Maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene compounds are produced by grafting multiple maleic anhydride molecules onto polyethylene molecular chains through a chemical process. Through this grafting reaction, polyethylene can maintain its original good processing properties, while also obtaining the re-reactivity and strong polarity of maleic anhydride polar molecules, as well as the original good processing properties of polyethylene. Therefore, maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene can be widely used in the plastics industry. In addition to being used as a filler for polypropylene and high-density polyethylene, it can also be used as a glass fiber reinforcement coupling agent, masterbatch carrier resin, engineering plastic toughening agent, modifier, compatibilizer, etc. for plastic blends.


The introduction of maleic anhydride molecules into the polyethylene molecular chain is the so-called maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene, which is discussed from the perspective of material structure. This fundamental modification has brought about a significant improvement in its performance. In addition to the unique toughness, processability, and chemical corrosion resistance of polyethylene, polyethylene grafted with maleic anhydride has a higher polarity due to the addition of maleic anhydride, and its compatibility with polar materials is improved, such as adhesion and capacitance.

Application areas

In terms of application areas, maleic anhydride is mainly used to produce various resins, pesticides and other raw materials. The application of this substance is usually simple and direct. Due to its excellent properties, maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene is widely used in the field of plastics. It is particularly useful in applications such as plastic modification, blending and reinforcement, in which it plays an important role.



From a safety perspective, maleic anhydride is a substance with certain toxicity; therefore, appropriate precautions must be taken when manufacturing and using this substance. Polyethylene grafted with maleic anhydride is relatively safe; but it must still comply with all applicable safety requirements and operating specifications.

COACE’s recommendations

The definition, characteristics, structure, application areas and safety of maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene and maleic anhydride are very different. In short, there are considerable differences between the two. Both substances have their own set of characteristics and applications, and they both play an important role in the chemical industry. Only by fully mastering their characteristics and advantages can we more effectively play their advantages and contribute to the progress of scientific and technological research and industrial production.

COACE’S PE-g-MAH series products are maleic anhydride functionalized ethylene polymers, which are mainly used for the modification of ethylene-based matrix polymers. It provides excellent coupling effect between them, and can also react well with polymers containing -NH2, -OH and other groups to achieve the purpose of compatibility between different polymers.



Applicazione tipica
1. Low-smoke halogen-free flame retardant cable material Coupling Agent
2. Wood-plastic composite material Compatibilizer
3. Asfalto modificato
4. Lega di vinile
5. Resina adesiva


Il PE-g-MAH può migliorare notevolmente la compatibilità interfacciale e la forza di interazione dei materiali compositi, migliorare l'effetto di dispersione delle particelle di ritardante di fiamma nella matrice di resina e, allo stesso tempo, formare uno strato di interfaccia plastica, che può migliorare la tenacità del materiale. Inoltre, il PE-g-MAH può migliorare l'idrofilia e le proprietà adesive del PE. Attualmente, il PE-g-MAH è ampiamente utilizzato nei materiali compositi polimerici e viene spesso impiegato come compatibilizzante, disperdente e legante per i materiali compositi polimerici.

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