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Masterbatch funzionale specifico per l'antiacidificazione dei film EVA fotovoltaici

Modello n.: RM210A


RM210A è un masterbatch inorganico anti-acidificazione per EVA, con una bassa quantità di aggiunta e un'elevata efficienza, facile da disperdere e con scarso effetto sulla trasmittanza.
Caratteristiche Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 1.10 g/㎤ ASTM D792
MFR(190℃ 2,16kg) 10-20 g/10min ASTM D1238
Melting Point (DSC)
66℃(151℉) ASTM D3418
Aspetto Granuli bianchi /
Descrizione dei prodotti


RM210A è uno speciale masterbatch funzionale a base di copolimero etilene-vinilacetato.

RM210A is an inorganic EVA anti-acidification masterbatch, with the advantages of low addition amount and high efficiency, easy dispersion, and little effect on transmittance.

The particularly functional masterbatch for anti-acidification in photovoltaic EVA films is a cutting-edge ingredient that neutralizes acidic byproducts and improves encapsulant durability. This masterbatch contains sophisticated stabilizers and acid scavengers, which inhibit acid production and protect the EVA film from degradation. The end result is a very effective additive that ensures the long-term performance and dependability of PV modules.
By tackling the important issue of acidification, this novel additive improves the durability, performance, and longevity of PV modules. Its distinct combination of low addition quantity, high efficiency, facile dispersion, and minimum impact on transmittance means that solar panels may resist extreme climatic conditions while remaining efficient. As the demand for dependable and cost-effective renewable energy solutions grows, the specially designed anti-acidification masterbatch emerges as a critical component in the manufacturing of high-performance EVA films for solar applications.


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Caratteristiche Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 1.10 g/㎤ ASTM D792
MFR(190℃ 2,16kg) 10-20 g/10min ASTM D1238
Melting Point (DSC)
66℃(151℉) ASTM D3418
Aspetto Granuli bianchi /
  • Easy to Disperse: The masterbatch is designed with outstanding dispersion qualities. It works flawlessly with EVA resin to ensure even distribution throughout the film. This homogeneity is crucial for ensuring consistent acidity protection across the PV module.
  • Minimal impact on transmittance: Maintaining the optical clarity of EVA films is critical for maximizing light transmission to solar cells. This masterbatch has been designed to have minimal to no effect on the transmittance of the EVA film, ensuring that the PV modules’ energy collection efficiency is not hampered.
  • Enhanced Thermal and UV Stability: In addition to anti-acidification, the masterbatch improves the thermal and UV stability of the EVA film. This twofold protection ensures that the encapsulant can endure the extreme weather conditions that solar panels are generally exposed to.
  • Improved Mechanical qualities: The masterbatch additives also help to improve the mechanical qualities of the EVA film, such as its tensile strength and elongation at break. This guarantees that the film is strong and flexible even under mechanical stress.


Extended Module Lifespan: By preventing acid-induced deterioration, the masterbatch greatly increases the operational life of solar modules. This results in fewer replacements and cheaper maintenance expenses, increasing the overall cost-effectiveness of solar energy systems.

Sustained Electrical Performance: The masterbatch’s anti-acidification qualities contribute to the electrical performance of PV modules by keeping the integrity of the EVA encapsulant. This is critical for maximizing the energy output and efficiency of solar panels throughout their operating life.

This masterbatch is a cost-efficient option because it requires only a small amount of addition to provide effective anti-acidification. Manufacturers can significantly increase module lifetime and performance with minimal additive use.

Compatibility with Existing Manufacturing procedures: The masterbatch is intended to be compatible with standard EVA film manufacturing procedures. This ensures that firms can implement the additive without significantly altering their existing production lines.

Environmental and Safety Compliance: The masterbatch components meet worldwide environmental and safety requirements. This ensures that the masterbatch does not pollute the environment or endanger human health.

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Certificazione ISO14001:2015
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Applicazione tipica

Used to improve the anti-PID performance of photovoltaic adhesive film.

Applicazione Industria

Solar Panel Manufacturing: The anti-acidification masterbatch is mostly used to manufacture solar panels. By integrating this masterbatch into the EVA encapsulant, producers can create PV modules that are more resistant to acidification.

Utility-scale solar farms require PV modules that provide constant performance over time. The anti-acidification masterbatch contributes to the durability and efficiency of the modules used in these large-scale systems.

Residential and Commercial Solar Systems: The anti-acidification masterbatch improves the lifetime and performance of solar installations. Homeowners and businesses can enjoy consistent energy generation with no upkeep.

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) systems, which incorporate solar panels into building structures, necessitate high-performance PV modules that can tolerate environmental stress. The masterbatch’s qualities are very useful in these applications, since they provide long-term performance and aesthetic integrity.

Off-Grid Solar Systems: Solar system reliability is crucial in distant and off-grid environments. The anti-acidification masterbatch guarantees that off-grid solar installations remain efficient and require less regular maintenance, making them better suited to harsh situations.


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