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Additivi per film EPE a base di silano per pannelli solari

Modello n.: R1120


Gli additivi per film EPE innestati con silano R1120 sono emersi come un approccio potenzialmente utile per migliorare l'efficienza e la longevità dei pannelli solari.
Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Densità 0.87 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Temperatura di fusione 46 DSC
Portata di fusione (190℃2,16kg)) 8- 15 g/10min ASTM D1238
Gruppo funzionale Contenuto Alto wt% Metodo COACE
Aspetto Granuli / /
Colore Traslucido o bianco / /
Descrizione dei prodotti


Silane-grafted EPE film additives offer a solution that is both dependable and efficient, and they are able to improve the performance of solar panels as well as their durability. Their one-of-a-kind characteristics, which include silane functionalization, resistance to ultraviolet light, moisture barrier, and temperature stability, provide considerable benefits in terms of increased durability, improved performance, and cost-effectiveness. These additives have a wide range of uses, including photovoltaic modules, solar thermal systems, and concentrated solar power applications. As a result, they are an essential component in the solar energy industry’s efforts to develop renewable energy solutions that are more efficient and reliable.


Attrezzature avanzate!

Dotata di linee di produzione avanzate e di un centro di prove sperimentali per garantire la qualità del prodotto.

Forte forza tecnica!

Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.




Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Densità 0.87 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Temperatura di fusione 46 DSC
Portata di fusione (190℃2,16kg)) 8- 15 g/10min ASTM D1238
Gruppo funzionale Contenuto Alto wt% Metodo COACE
Aspetto Granuli / /
Colore Traslucido o bianco
  • It is possible for the additives to make covalent bonds with the EPE matrix by a process known as silane functionalization, which involves the chemical modification of the additives with silane molecules. By grafting, the compatibility and adhesion between the film and the other components are improved, which ultimately leads to an improvement in the film’s overall integrity.
  • Resistance to UV Radiation: The silane grafting process provides the EPE film with exceptional resistance to ultraviolet radiation, protecting it from the potentially harmful effects of prolonged exposure to sunlight. This characteristic contributes to the fact that the film’s optical qualities and mechanical strength are preserved over an extended length of time.
  • Moisture Barrier: The silane-grafted EPE film additives produce a moisture-resistant barrier, significantly reducing the amount of water that is allowed to penetrate the film and preventing any potential degradation that could be brought on by moisture-induced effects such as corrosion or delamination.
  • Temperature Stability: These additives improve the film’s resilience to temperature changes, which in turn reduces the risk of thermal stress and the material fatigue that is associated with it. Due to this characteristic, the product is able to maintain its performance and reliability in a wide range of environmental circumstances.


a) Increased Durability: The film’s resistance to mechanical stress, ultraviolet radiation, and moisture ingress is greatly increased as a result of the higher adhesion and compatibility that are offered by the silane grafting process. Furthermore, as a consequence of this, the solar panels will have a longer lifespan and increased durability.

b) Improved Performance: The solar panels are able to maintain their ideal performance even when subjected to severe environmental circumstances since the silane-grafted EPE film additives have the capacity to resist ultraviolet light and to remain stable at temperatures. This results in a higher energy output as well as an increase in the overall efficiency of the system.

c) Cost-Effectiveness: The additives assist minimize the expenses of maintenance and replacement by protecting the solar panels against degradation. This results in improving the cost-effectiveness of the panels over the course of their lifetime.


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Certificazione ISO9001:2015
Certificazione ISO14001:2015
Registrazione REACH UE

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a) Photovoltaic Modules: These additives are widely used in the production of photovoltaic modules, where they enhance the durability and performance of the EPE films that are used as encapsulation materials and backsheet layers. Silane-grafted EPE film additives find applications in a variety of industries within the solar energy sector, including the following: a photovoltaic module.

b) Solar Thermal Systems: Silane-grafted EPE film additives can also be used in solar thermal systems. In these systems, they contribute to the durability and effectiveness of insulating materials, thereby minimizing heat loss and guaranteeing that thermal performance is at its highest possible level.

c) Concentrated Solar Power (CSP): These additives have the potential to improve the durability and weather resistance of reflective films and protective layers in CSP applications. As a result, the CSP systems will have a longer lifespan and better overall performance.


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