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Additivo funzionalizzato al silano per film EPE fotovoltaici

Modello n.: R1120


L'additivo per film fotovoltaici Coace® R1120 ha le caratteristiche di alta resistività di volume, alta trasparenza, basso punto di cristallo, ecc.
Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Densità 0.87 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Temperatura di fusione 46 DSC
Portata di fusione (190℃2,16kg)) 8- 15 g/10min ASTM D1238
Gruppo funzionale Contenuto Alto wt% Metodo COACE
Aspetto Granuli / /
Colore Traslucido o bianco / /
Descrizione dei prodotti


Silane-Functionalized Additive for Photovoltaic EPE Films is a cutting-edge product that has been developed with the express purpose of enhancing the performance and dependability of photovoltaic (PV) encapsulant films that are manufactured from ethylene propylene elastomer (EPE). The chemistry of silane is incorporated into this additive, which results in the manifestation of distinctive qualities that confer a multitude of advantages, benefits, and application-specific traits.

L'additivo per film fotovoltaici Coace® R1120 ha le caratteristiche di alta resistività di volume, alta trasparenza, basso punto di cristallo, ecc.


Attrezzature avanzate!

Dotata di linee di produzione avanzate e di un centro di prove sperimentali per garantire la qualità del prodotto.

Forte forza tecnica!

Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.




Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Densità 0.87 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Temperatura di fusione 46 DSC
Portata di fusione (190℃2,16kg)) 8- 15 g/10min ASTM D1238
Gruppo funzionale Contenuto Alto wt% Metodo COACE
Aspetto Granuli / /
Colore Traslucido o bianco /
  • Silane Functionalization: The additive is manufactured with silane compounds, which allow for chemical bonding with the EPE matrix. This results in increased adhesion and compatibility between the two materials.
  • Thermal Stability: The additive demonstrates exceptional thermal stability, which guarantees long-term performance even when subjected to the extreme temperatures that are typical of PV module applications.
  • Resistenza ai raggi UV: Offre una maggiore resistenza ai raggi UV, che salvaguarda le celle fotovoltaiche incapsulate e i film EPE dal deterioramento provocato dall'esposizione prolungata ai raggi solari.
  • Moisture Barrier: The silane-functionalized additive improves the moisture barrier qualities of the EPE films, which allows for the prevention of moisture from entering the PV cells and protects them from any potential harm that may occur.
  • Isolamento elettrico: Mantiene le sue eccezionali capacità di isolamento elettrico, che impediscono qualsiasi perdita elettrica o cortocircuito all'interno del modulo fotovoltaico.




Increased Module Durability:The additive increases the overall durability and dependability of PV modules by boosting the performance of the encapsulant films. This results in an increase in the module’s durability. The operating lifetime of the module is increased as a result, which means that the danger of premature failure is decreased and the return on investment is increased.

Enhanced Power Output: The additive enhances the adhesion between the EPE film and the PV cells, which in turn reduces the likelihood of delamination or air gaps occurring. As a result, the power output of the module is also increased.

Increased Resistance to Environmental conditions:The silane-functionalized additive increases the resistance of the EPE films to a variety of environmental conditions, including moisture, temperature variations, and UV radiation. This ensures that the module performance remains stable and constant over time.

The electrical insulating qualities of the additive ensure the safe operation of photovoltaic modules, thereby minimizing the danger of electrical hazards and fire events. This further contributes to the enhancement of safety capabilities.

Cost-Effective Solution: The additive provides a cost-effective solution by minimizing the expenses of maintenance and replacement by extending the lifespan of photovoltaic modules and thereby boosting their performance.


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Certificazione Coace!

Certificazione ISO9001:2015
Certificazione ISO14001:2015
Registrazione REACH UE

Corea K-REACH pre-registrazione

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Characteristics of the Application:
Compatibility: The silane-functionalized additive is compatible with a variety of EPE film formulations that are typically utilized in the photovoltaic sector. This compatibility ensures that the additive may be easily integrated into the manufacturing processes that are already in place.
Processability: It demonstrates good processability, which enables efficient mixing and dispersion inside the EPE matrix during the manufacture of films.
Stability: The additive is able to keep its structural integrity throughout the storage and processing processes, which guarantees constant performance and dependable outcomes.
Adhesion Promotion: The additive results in a significant improvement in the adhesion between the EPE film and a variety of PV cell types, such as crystalline silicon, thin-film, and developing technologies.

Solution by industry:

Photovoltaic sector: The silane-functionalized additive was created specifically for the photovoltaic sector, where it finds substantial application in the fabrication of PV encapsulant films for solar modules. This industry employs the additive frequently.
Renewable Energy Sector: It helps to meet the ever-increasing need for PV modules that are dependable and efficient in the renewable energy sector, which in turn contributes to the development of sustainable energy solutions.
Electronics and Electrical Industry: The additive has the potential to be utilized in other applications within the electronics and electrical industry. One example of this is the utilization of EPE films as insulating layers in flexible printed circuits using the additive.



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