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Polypropylene Grafted Maleic Anhydride Modifier Used in Enhancing Compatibility of PA/PP or PA/PE Alloy

Modello n.: B2


This produce is propene polymer with functionalized MAH,which is especially suitable for the reinforcing and compatibilizing of PP mineral fiber and glass fiber
Modelli di prodotto B2
Indice di fusione 80-120
Tasso di innesto Medio
densità 0,92g/cm³
prestazioni Questo prodotto è un polimero propenico con anidride maleica funzionalizzata, particolarmente adatto per il rinforzo e la compatibilizzazione di fibre minerali PP e fibre di vetro.
Descrizione dei prodotti


The Polypropylene Grafted Maleic Anhydride Modifier improves the mechanical characteristics, processability, and compatibility of PA/PP or PA/PE alloy systems, providing outstanding value and performance. This modifier transforms the performance of alloy materials with its special polypropylene grafted maleic anhydride structure, improved interfacial adhesion, chemical reactivity, and thermal stability.

The extremely effective and adaptable Polypropylene Grafted Maleic Anhydride Modifier was created to improve the compatibility of PA/PP or PA/PE alloy. This modifier is ideally suited for a variety of industrial applications since it was particularly designed to enhance the mechanical characteristics, thermal stability, and processability of these alloys.

Enhancing the compatibility between polyamide (PA) and polypropylene (PP) or polyethylene (PE) alloys is the major purpose of the polypropylene grafted maleic anhydride modifier. The interfacial adhesion between the two polymers is improved by this modifier’s grafting of maleic anhydride onto the polypropylene backbone to form a chemical connection with the polyamide matrix. As a result, the alloy has increased mechanical characteristics and overall performance.

B2 is prepared by reactive grafting of maleic anhydride onto polypropylene. Due to the introduction of a strongly polar side group maleic anhydride) in the main chain of polypropylene, Therefore, maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene can be a bridge to improve the adhesion and compatibility of polar and nonpolar materials. In the application of PP + glass fiber modification, it can react with the glass fiber after surface treatment, improve the compatibility of the PP and glass fiber, so as to improve the tensile strength and impact strength of polypropylene. When PP compatibilizer is added in the production of filled polypropylene, the compatibility of filler and polypropylene and the dispersion of filler can be greatly improved. This is a low odor PP compatibilizer, which meets the requirements of automobile manufacturers for the odor of automobile materials to a certain extent.


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In the application of PP + glass fiber modification, it can react with the glass fiber after surface treatment, improve the compatibility of the PP and glass fiber, so as to improve the tensile strength and impact strength of polypropylene. When PP compatibilizer is added in the production of filled polypropylene, the compatibility of filler and polypropylene and the dispersion of filler can be greatly improved. This is a low odor PP compatibilizer, which meets the requirements of automobile manufacturers for the odor of automobile materials to a certain extent.

  • Polypropylene Grafted Maleic Anhydride Structure: The modifier is composed of grafted maleic anhydride on a polypropylene backbone. In alloy systems, the effective compatibilization of polyamide (PA) with polypropylene (PP) or polyethylene (PE) is made possible by its distinct structure.
  • Enhanced Interfacial Adhesion: The alloy’s PA and PP or PE phases have stronger interfacial adhesion thanks to the grafted maleic anhydride groups. This characteristic lowers phase separation and boosts overall performance by greatly improving the alloy’s mechanical qualities and compatibility.
  • Chemical Reactivity: The presence of maleic anhydride groups in the modifier results in excellent chemical reactivity. It reacts with PA, PP, or PE’s polar functional groups to effectively couple and compatibilize the various polymer phases.

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1.Be used as the PP interface modifier for glass fiber reinforcing and mineral filling to increase the tensile strenth and bending strength.

2.Be used as PA/PP or PA/PE alloy compatibilizer.

Product features: Low odor

3 .It can be used as a compatibilizer between inorganic reinforcing materials (glass fiber) and filling materials (calcium carbonate, talc, etc.) and PP;

4. Can be used as a compatibilizer for PP / nylon alloy:

5. Can be used as wood-plastic compatibilizer;

Wherever PA/PP or PA/PE alloys are utilized, the Polypropylene Grafted Maleic Anhydride Modifier has a wide range of uses. Key applications include the following:

1. vehicle Industry: The modification is frequently used to interior and exterior elements, vehicle engine components, and electrical connectors. It enhances the alloy’s mechanical and thermal stability, making it appropriate for harsh automotive conditions.

2. Electrical & Electronics: The modifier is applied in the manufacturing of housings, switches, and electrical connectors. It improves the alloy’s compatibility, guaranteeing dependable electrical performance and increased durability.

3. The modifier is used in the manufacture of packaging materials including films, bottles, and containers. High-quality packaging items are produced as a result of the alloy’s improved mechanical characteristics and processability.

4. Industrial Applications: The modifier is also employed in a number of industrial contexts, including those involving consumer items, industrial equipment parts, and pipes and fittings. It improves the alloy’s compatibility and performance, making a variety of industrial uses possible.







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