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POE-g-MAH white or light yellow uniform particle polymer nylon-50℃ ultra-low temperature toughening compatibility modifier

Model No.: W1B


W1B is prepared by grafting maleic anhydride by POE reaction.
Articolo di prova Dati del test Metodo di prova
densità 0.86 g/cm³ ASTM D792 ISO 1183
melting index 0.8-2.0 (190℃2.16kg)g/10min ASTM D1238 ISO 1133
Tasso di innesto Alto titolazione acido-base
Esterno Particelle
Aspetto bianco o giallo chiaro Granulare
Descrizione dei prodotti


W1B is prepared by grafting maleic anhydride by POE reaction. Since it introduces a strong polar side group (maleic anhydride) on the main chain of POE molecule, maleic anhydride grafted POE can become a polar material. A bridge for adhesion and compatibility with non-polar materials. In the application of nylon + glass fiber modification, it can react with the glass fiber after surface treatment to improve the compatibility of nylon and glass fiber, thereby improving the tensile strength and impact strength of nylon. W1A can be used as both a compatibilizer and a toughening agent. As a nylon compatibilizer, it is also suitable for PA/PE and PA/PP alloys, which can improve the toughness of the alloys. W1B is an ultra-low temperature toughening agent. The impact strength of PA6+20%W1B at -40℃ can be maintained at 70-80% of normal temperature impact.

The copolymer of ethylene and octene (POE), which has exceptional elasticity and strong weather resistance due to the absence of double bonds in the macromolecular chain, is one example of a metallocene polyolefin that is a thermoplastic elastomer. POE was first primarily employed to toughen polyolefins, however after being grafted with reactive monomers like maleic anhydride, POE exhibits strong compatibility with nylon. The best toughening agent for PA6 and PA66 is POE hardened PA6, which not only has great impact resistance at low temperatures (-50°C), but also strong impact strength at room temperature.


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Cold-resistance test data:

Izod Notched Impact Strength J/m
Ingredient 23°C -40°C -50°C
PA6+15%W1B 760 278 260
PA6+20%W1B 900 880 538
PA6+25%W1B 1020 970 662


As can be seen from the above figure, the product has a good low temperature toughening effect on nylon between -40 and -50, and the notch impact rejection rate at low temperature is very high.

W1B is ethylene elastomer with functionalized maleic anhydride,which is especially  suitable for super-tough or cold-resistant nylon.It has the characteristics of low odor, high grafting rate, excellent bonding performance and wide applicability. Can be applied to nylon modified system for toughening.

  • Uniform Particle Polymer: The modifier’s uniform dispersion and distribution inside the nylon matrix are guaranteed by its composition of white or light yellow particles. This feature improves the modifier’s compatibility and blending efficiency, which improves the mechanical qualities and consistency of the final product.
  • Extensive Temperature Range: The POE-g-MAH Modifier performs admirably across a broad temperature range. It can be used in a variety of climate situations because it retains its compatibility-improving and toughening qualities at temperatures as low as -50°C.


Enhanced Low-Temperature Performance: Materials based on nylon perform noticeably better at low temperatures when treated with the POE-g-MAH Modifier. Excellent mechanical strength, impact resistance, and dimensional stability are guaranteed, even in extremely cold temperatures, which makes it appropriate for use in the outdoor equipment, automobile, and aerospace industries.

Enhanced Compatibility: This modifier makes nylon matrices and the modifier more compatible with one another. Better adhesion and dispersion are encouraged, which improves mechanical qualities like impact resistance, flexural strength, and tensile strength. Better processability and lower production costs are further benefits of the increased compatibility.
constant Particle dispersion: The homogenous particle polymer composition of the modifier ensures a constant dispersion inside the nylon matrix. This feature increases the finished product’s overall performance and quality, decreases the likelihood of errors, and improves product homogeneity.


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1. Utilizzato per la compatibilizzazione o la tempra di PA6 o PA66. Aumenta la resistenza agli urti e la lavorabilità del nylon, diminuisce l'assorbimento d'acqua e migliora notevolmente la resistenza al freddo.

2. Essere utilizzato per il compatibilizzante di leghe di nylon e polipropilene/polietilene.

3. Essere utilizzato per il modificatore macromolecolare (agente di accoppiamento) del nylon riempito di minerali o di erba.

Soluzione per settore

Automotive sector: To improve the toughness and compatibility of nylon-based components, this modifier is extensively utilized in the automotive sector. It ensures dependable and long-lasting performance by enhancing the mechanical qualities and low-temperature performance of engine, fuel system, and interior components.

Aerospace Industry: The POE-g-MAH Modifier is used in the aerospace sector, where improved compatibility and low-temperature performance are essential. It improves the dimensional stability and hardness of nylon-based products used in electrical connectors, structural parts, and aircraft interiors.

Sports items and camping gear are examples of outdoor equipment applications that this modifier is appropriate for. It ensures dependable operation in cold climes or harsh outdoor situations by enhancing the low-temperature performance and impact resilience of nylon-based equipment.
Electrical connections: Insulating components and electrical connections are produced using the POE-g-MAH Modifier. It improves the mechanical characteristics and compatibility of connections made of nylon, guaranteeing durable and dependable electrical performance.



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