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Additivi per film di imballaggio fotovoltaico ad alto contenuto di silano

Modello n.: R1020


Adesivo di vetro per film di incapsulamento fotovoltaico ad alta trasparenza e a basso punto di cristallo modificato con silano e copolimero olefinico
Prestazioni Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
punto di fusione(DSC)  72℃(161.6℉) Metodo COACE²
MFR(190℃2.16kg)  10-20g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto di silano  Alto Metodo COACE¹
Descrizione dei prodotti


R1020 is a masterbatch of POE film for solar encapsulation that has been silane-grafted. High silane concentration, no precipitation, no water absorption, good dispersibility, good stability, high transparency, and strong weather resistance are all attributes of this product.

High silane concentration photovoltaic packaging film additives are a novel and efficient way to improve the performance of solar modules. The adhesion and moisture resistance of solar packaging sheets are significantly improved by these additives since they are made using high-quality silanes. These additives are ideal for usage in the solar sector, especially for photovoltaic modules, because to their exceptional qualities.


Attrezzature avanzate!

Dotata di linee di produzione avanzate e di un centro di prove sperimentali per garantire la qualità del prodotto.

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Copolimero olefinico modificato con silano, utilizzato principalmente per il film di incapsulamento fotovoltaico, con alto contenuto di silano, elevata trasparenza, basso punto di cristallo e altre caratteristiche.

Applicazione tipica

1. Film di incapsulamento fotovoltaico
2. Adesivo per vetro

Prestazioni Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 0.87g/㎤ ASTM D792
punto di fusione(DSC)  72℃(161.6℉) Metodo COACE²
MFR(190℃2.16kg)  10-20g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto di silano  Alto Metodo COACE¹

Nota: I dati sopra riportati sono valori di prova tipici e non devono essere interpretati come specifiche.

Dosaggio consigliatoIn base all'applicazione effettiva, tenendo conto dei costi, la quantità appropriata di aumento o diminuzione.

Imballaggio e trasporto :Sacchetto di plastica da 20 kg, in base alle merci non pericolose, evitare la luce del sole e la pioggia.




The POE film performs better in many ways than the EVA film does.

First off, in terms of volume resistivity, EVA film’s volume resistivity rapidly drops as working temperature rises, while POE film’s volume resistivity at high temperatures is 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than that of EVA film;

POE is a non-polar substance and cannot establish hydrogen bonds with water molecules, which affects the pace at which water vapor is transmitted through it. Since vinyl acetate is a polar group, it won’t collect water vapor like EVA. Ten times more water vapor is transmitted than with EVA materials. There are also comparatively few tertiary carbon atoms in the molecular structure, which improves heat aging resistance and anti-ultraviolet performance. This is due to the saturated structure of the POE macromolecular chain.

Due to their numerous advantages, these photovoltaic packaging film additives with high silane concentration are widely prized in the solar sector. Superior moisture and weather resistance is one of these advantages, which makes them perfect for outdoor use in inclement weather. Additionally, because of their strong adhesive qualities, they may adhere to the substrate firmly without affecting the optical characteristics of the module.

In addition to having great scratch resistance, these chemicals help extend the life of the module’s film. These additives’ high silane concentration encourages stability and durable adherence with the underlying film material. Additionally, these compounds have remarkable barrier qualities that lessen the possibility of moisture and gas penetration, which can gradually impair the function of the module.


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Certificazione ISO14001:2015
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There are several uses for photovoltaic packaging film additives with high silane concentration in the solar sector. Making backsheet films is one of its main applications. In order to shield the module from water or moisture damper, these additives offer an ideal moisture barrier. Additionally, its high-performance layer shields the module from damaging UV rays, dust, dirt, and other outside influences.The manufacturing of front protective panels, encapsulants, and other polymer-based polymers that give the solar modules structural support also makes substantial use of these additives. Additionally, they are employed in the creation of reflective films, which are essential in solar energy systems because the optimal conversion of energy depends on the reflection of sunlight.

High silane concentration photovoltaic packaging film additives are a groundbreaking development in improving the performance and longevity of solar modules. They provide the best protection against degradation and increase the efficiency of energy conversion because to their outstanding moisture and weather resistance, good adhesive qualities, and remarkable barrier properties. The solar business has been transformed by these chemicals, which increase the strength and efficiency of photovoltaic modules.




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