Descrizione dei prodotti
Our cutting-edge product, solar Film Crosslinking Agent with High Transparency and Low Crystal Point, was created especially for the solar sector. This ground-breaking item has great functionality, benefits, and applications, making it the perfect option for producers and specialists in the industry. This crosslinking agent revolutionizes the manufacturing of solar films by providing improved performance and efficiency and having a low crystal point and great transparency.
Our solar Film Crosslinking Agent’s main purpose is to improve the performance and longevity of solar films. This chemical enhances the mechanical strength and thermal stability of the films by promoting crosslinking processes, making them more resilient to environmental stresses such heat, moisture, and UV radiation. Furthermore, it encourages the development of a homogeneous, extremely transparent coating that guarantees ideal light transmission and energy conversion efficiency.
Attrezzature avanzate!
Dotata di linee di produzione avanzate e di un centro di prove sperimentali per garantire la qualità del prodotto.
Forte forza tecnica!
Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.
Il copolimero elastomero poliolefinico modificato con acrilato ha le caratteristiche di elevata trasparenza e basso punto di cristallo.
Applicazione tipica
Photovoltaic film crosslinking agent
Valore delle prestazioni | Valore | Metodo di prova |
Densità | 0.87g/㎤ | ASTM D792 |
Punto di fusione (DSC) | 46℃(115℉) | ASTM D3418 |
MFR(190℃2.16kg) | 8-18g/10min | ASTM D1238 |
Contenuto di acrilato | Alto | Metodo interno |
Nota: I dati sopra riportati sono valori di prova tipici e non devono essere interpretati come specifiche.
Suggested Dosage: In base all'applicazione effettiva, tenendo conto dei costi, l'importo appropriato di aumento o diminuzione.
Imballaggio e trasporto: Sacchetto di plastica da 20 kg, in base alle merci non pericolose, evitare la luce del sole e la pioggia.
- High Transparency: The photovoltaic film can absorb the most light possible thanks to the excellent transparency of our crosslinking agent. By reducing light reflection and loss, this transparency is essential for obtaining high energy conversion efficiency.
- Low Crystal Point: Our crosslinking agent’s low crystal point keeps the film amorphous and prevents the growth of crystalline structures that can impede electron mobility and impair performance. Thin-film photovoltaic technology benefits greatly from this property.
- Increased Mechanical Strength: Our agent’s crosslinking reactions greatly increase the photovoltaic film’s mechanical strength. Due to its increased strength, the film can tolerate mechanical stress like bending and stretching without losing any of its effectiveness or integrity.
- Greater Thermal durability: Our crosslinking agent improves the thermal durability of photovoltaic films, enabling them to tolerate high temperatures without degrading. In areas with harsh weather, this characteristic is essential for maintaining long-term performance and dependability.
- Excellent resistance to external stresses, such as moisture, heat, and UV radiation, is a result of our crosslinking agent. The solar film is shielded from deterioration by this resistance, maintaining its durability and effectiveness even in inclement weather.
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Certificazione Coace!
Certificazione ISO9001:2015
Certificazione ISO14001:2015
Registrazione REACH UE
Corea K-REACH pre-registrazione
Vantaggio per le imprese!
Impaginazione in patria e all'estero, meravigliosa per la miscelazione
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Layout di marketing all'estero
1. Solar Panels: We created our crosslinking agent particularly to be utilized in the manufacture of photovoltaic films for solar panels. Our agent improves these films’ mechanical toughness, thermal stability, and transparency, which boosts the solar panels’ overall performance and effectiveness.
2. Thin-Film Photovoltaics: Our crosslinking agent’s low crystal point and improved mechanical strength are particularly advantageous for thin-film solar technologies like CIGS (copper indium gallium selenide) and CdTe (cadmium telluride). Our agency makes sure these technologies’ thin, flexible sheets are strong and effective.
3. Building-Integrated Photovoltaics: We may utilize our crosslinking agent to create photovoltaic films for solar windows and facades, among other building-integrated uses. The films’ high degree of transparency and environmental resilience enable them to be seamlessly incorporated into architectural plans while capturing solar energy.
4. Portable Solar Devices: Our crosslinking agent is well suited for the manufacturing of photovoltaic films used in portable solar devices, such as solar chargers and backpacks, due to its improved mechanical strength and weather resilience. These films effectively convert solar energy into electrical power while being able to resist the rigors of outdoor use.