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PA reinforced filled ultra-low temperature toughened POE-g-MAH with FDA,ROHS,SVHC,TSCA, REACH

Model No.: W1A


W1A is prepared by grafting maleic anhydride by POE reaction.
Articolo di prova Dati del test Metodo di prova
densità 0,87 g/cm³ ASTM D792
Portata di fusione (190°C/2,16kg) 0.3-1.0 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto di anidride maleica Alto Colebond Metodo 1
umidità ≤0,3 % Determinazione rapida dell'umidità con alogeni
Aspetto Granulare
Descrizione dei prodotti

Product Introduction of the WIA

A highly sophisticated and adaptable material, our PA reinforced filled ultra-low temperature toughened POE-g-MAH with FDA, ROHS, SVHC, TSCA, and REACH delivers remarkable performance in a variety of applications. With excellent strength, durability, and compliance with international laws, this product is especially made to suit the demanding requirements of diverse industries.

Maleic anhydride is grafted by the POE reaction to create W1A. Maleic anhydride grafted POE can become a polar substance because it adds a potently polar side group (maleic anhydride) to the POE molecule’s main chain. a link for non-polar materials’ compatibility and adhesion. After surface treatment, it may react with the glass fiber in the application of nylon + glass fiber modification, improving the compatibility of the two materials and enhancing the tensile and impact strength of nylon. Both a compatibilizer and a toughening agent can be employed with W1A. It is suited for PA/PE and PA/PP alloys as a nylon compatibilizer, which can increase the alloy’s toughness.Its low temperature acts as a nylon toughening agent. The PA6+15%W1A impact strength at -40°C may be maintained at 35–40% of the impact at room temperature, which is an extremely exceptional performance.

Our PA reinforced filled, ultra-low temperature hardened POE-g-MAH is designed to perform superbly under difficult circumstances. It provides remarkable resistance to low temperatures due to its special composition, ensuring good performance even in subzero settings. This material is suited for demanding applications due to its high tensile strength, impact resistance, and dimensional stability.

Table1: Typical Data of Toughening of PA6 Resin

Prestazioni Unità PA6 PA6+15%W1A PA6+20%W1A
Resistenza alla trazione MPa 60 55 45
Resistenza alla flessione MPa 90 80 70
Lzod notched impact strength (23℃) J/m 80 600 800

Table2: Typical Data of Toughening of PA66 Resin

Prestazioni Unità PA66 PA66+15%W1A PA66+20%W1A
Resistenza alla trazione MPa 75 53 47
Resistenza alla flessione MPa 102 59 55
Lzod notched impact strength (23℃) J/m 80 600 1000

Table3: Typical Data of Reinforcing and Toughening of PA6 Resin

Prestazioni Unità PA6 PA6+30%GF+6%W1A
Resistenza alla trazione MPa 60 135
Resistenza alla flessione MPa 90 195
Lzod notched impact strength (23℃) J/m 80 250

Table4: Typical Data of Reinforcing and Toughening of PA66 Resin

Prestazioni Unità PA66 PA6+30%GF+6%W1A
Resistenza alla trazione MPa 75 150
Resistenza alla flessione MPa 102 215
Lzod notched impact strength (23℃) J/m 80 200

Nota:The data above are all experimental typical values, only for reference .

Dose consigliata:The dose (5-25%) may be increased or decreased properly according to the toughness requirements and by taking the cost into consideration.3-10% shall be adopted for PA6/PA66 reinforcing and toughening, while 5% shall be adopted for the compatibilizer of nylon and polypropylene/polyethylene alloy.

Imballaggio, stoccaggio e trasporto:Sacco kraft da 20 kg con sacchetto di plastica interno. Questo prodotto deve essere trattato come articolo non pericoloso e deve essere immagazzinato o trasportato in condizioni di asciutto, evitando la luce del sole e la pioggia.


Attrezzature avanzate!Dotata di linee di produzione avanzate e di un centro di prove sperimentali per garantire la qualità del prodotto.

Forte forza tecnica!

Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.


  • W1A is ethylene elastomer with functionalized maleic anhydride,which is especially suitable for super-tough or cold-resistant nylon.
  • W1 (POE-g-MAH) (Nylon 6) by Amoy Coace Plastic Technology is maleic anhydride functionalized polymer. It is an impact modifier. It shows good heat resistance, low temperature resistance and mass stability. It is recommended for nylon 6 and nylon 66. The dosage level of the grade is 5-25%. W1 (POE-g-MAH) (Nylon 6) is REACH, FDA, SGS and RoHS certified grade. The shelf life of the product is 2 years.




1. Increased Strength: Our product’s PA reinforcement greatly increases its rigidity and strength, enabling it to handle enormous loads and mechanical strains. It is therefore the best option for applications that call for durable materials.
2. Resistance to Ultra-Low Temperatures: Our hardened POE-g-MAH formulation makes sure the material maintains its flexibility and toughness even at very low temperatures. It may be used in cold storage facilities, refrigeration units, and other places where low temperatures are common because of this property.
3. FDA Compliance: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved materials used in the production of our product. This guarantees its safety for use in applications involving food contact, making it appropriate for packaging, food processing machinery, and other related sectors.

4. Compliance with regulations: Our PA reinforced filled ultra-low temperature toughened POE-g-MAH complies with a number of international laws, including ROHS, SVHC, TSCA, and REACH. This guarantees that our product complies with the strictest requirements for environmental and health safety, making it a solid option for sectors that place a high value on sustainability and legal compliance.


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Certificazione Coace!

Certificazione ISO9001:2015
Certificazione ISO14001:2015
Registrazione REACH UE

Corea K-REACH pre-registrazione

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1.Be used for PA6 or PA66 compatibilizing or toughening. Increase the impact resistance and processability of nylon,decrease the water absorption,greatly improve the cold-resistance.
2.Be utilizzato per il compatibilizzante della lega di nylon e polipropilene/polietilene.
3.Be used for the macromolecular modifier(couling agent)of mineral-filled or grass-flber-filled nylon.Application AreaThe EPDM-g-MAH Aging Resistance The Cold Resistance Super Tough Nylon Toughening Compatibilizer has several uses in the automotive, building, electronics, and consumer goods sectors. Several particular uses include:
1. Automotive Parts: The manufacture of automotive parts including seals, gaskets, hoses, and weatherstrips frequently uses this compatibilizer. These essential components will last a long time and function reliably even under difficult situations thanks to its remarkable age resistance and cold resistance qualities.
2. Construction Materials: The compatibilizer is used in the production of building materials such as insulation, window seals, and roofing membranes. These materials are suited for long-term usage in a variety of climatic settings due to their improved aging resistance and cold resistance qualities.

3. Toughening: The EPDM and nylon materials’ toughness and strength are increased by the Aging Resistance EPDM-g-MAH Cold Resistance Super Tough Nylon Toughening Compatibilizer. It improves the substance’s resistance to impact, abrasion, and deformation, making it suited for uses that call for a lot of toughness and durability. This characteristic lowers the possibility of failure or damage while ensuring the durability of the finished product.
4. Compatibility: This additive significantly increases the compatibility of nylon and EPDM materials. It gets over the incompatibility problems that these two materials have by nature, enabling a smooth mix and even distribution of the parts. The material performs better overall and produces consistent quality because to the increased compatibility.


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