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Masterbatch organico anti-acidificazione per film fotovoltaico EVA

Modello n.: RM208


RM208 è un masterbatch funzionale unico basato sul copolimero etilene-vinilacetato.
Caratteristiche Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 0.95 g/㎤ ASTM D792
MFR(190℃ 2,16kg) 10-20 g/10min ASTM D1238
Melting Point (DSC)
66℃(151℉) ASTM D3418
Aspetto White Translucent Granules /
Descrizione dei prodotti


RM208 is an organic special functional masterbatch based on ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer. It is relatively inorganic, has no influence on light transmission, is acid-proof, can collect cations, and has some anti-PID properties.

The organic anti-acidification masterbatch, based on an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer, provides considerable improvements for EVA solar films. Its acid resistance, compatibility with EVA polymers, extended service life, and increased power output all help to improve solar module performance, dependability, and durability. Manufacturers can secure the manufacturing of high-quality EVA photovoltaic films with improved acid resistance by adding this unique masterbatch, which optimizes the performance and longevity of PV modules and promotes the widespread use of solar energy technology.


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Caratteristiche Valore Metodo di prova
Densità 0.95 g/㎤ ASTM D792
MFR(190℃ 2,16kg) 10-20 g/10min ASTM D1238
Melting Point (DSC)
66℃(151℉) ASTM D3418
Aspetto White Translucent Granules /
  • The masterbatch is created with an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer as its basis ingredient. This copolymer selection enables compatibility and great dispersion within the EVA matrix, resulting in constant and uniform distribution of functional additives.
  • Acid Resistance: The masterbatch is specifically designed to improve the acid resistance of EVA photovoltaic films. It acts as a protective barrier, shielding the film from the corrosive effects of acids and extending its lifespan and performance in harsh situations.
  • Compatibility: The masterbatch is specifically engineered to be highly compatible with EVA polymers, allowing for easy inclusion and uniform dispersion within the film matrix during the manufacturing process. This compatibility improves the overall performance and stability of the photovoltaic film.
  • Environmental Compatibility: Because of its organic origin, the masterbatch is environmentally friendly, making it a viable option for PV applications.


a. Improved Acid Resistance: The masterbatch considerably increases the acid resistance of EVA photovoltaic films, preventing deterioration due to acid exposure. This results in a longer film lifespan and greater resilience in hostile situations.

b. Longer Service Life: By improving acid resistance, the masterbatch helps to retain the mechanical and electrical properties of the EVA photovoltaic film for an extended period. This extends the PV module’s service life, guaranteeing consistent performance and reliability.

c. Improved Power production: The masterbatch’s acid resistance capabilities aid to maintain the film’s transparency and light transmittance, assuring maximum solar energy absorption and optimizing power production from the photovoltaic module.

d. Versatile Application: The organic anti-acidification masterbatch can be used for a variety of EVA photovoltaic film applications, such as backsheets, encapsulants, and other protective layers. It can be readily integrated into existing manufacturing processes, improving the film’s acid resistance while preserving other film attributes.


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Certificazione ISO9001:2015
Certificazione ISO14001:2015
Registrazione REACH UE

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Applicazione tipica

Used to improve the anti-PID performance of photovoltaic adhesive film

Recommended addition amount is 1~3%

Applicazione Industria

The organic anti-acidification masterbatch is used in different parts of EVA photovoltaic film and PV module manufacture, including as backsheets. Incorporating the masterbatch into EVA-based backsheets increases acid resistance, protects the PV module from external influences, and ensures long-term performance and dependability.

b. Encapsulants: The masterbatch improves the acid resistance of EVA-based encapsulants, which protects solar cells and increases the PV module’s longevity and reliability.

c. Protective Layers: The masterbatch can be utilized in various protective layers of the photovoltaic module, such as anti-reflection coatings or surface films, to provide acid resistance while maintaining the module’s optical qualities.

d. PV Module Assembly: The masterbatch improves the overall performance and long-term durability of PV modules during the assembly process by increasing acid resistance and assuring uniform film performance.

The masterbatch has specialized uses in backsheets, encapsulants, protective layers, and PV module assembly, meeting the photovoltaic industry’s vital demand for acid resistance and long-term stability.

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