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Modificatore di nylon con elevato modulo elastico della gomma e PA temprato a bassissima temperatura

Modello n.: W1P


Questo prodotto è un monomero etilene-propilene-diene con anidride maleica funzionalizzata, particolarmente adatto per il nylon super resistente o resistente al freddo.
Articolo di prova Dati del test Metodo di prova
densità 0,87 g/cm³ ASTM D792

ISO 1183

Indice di fusione 0.1-0.4(190℃,2.16kg)g/10min ASTM D1238 ISO 1133
Innesto Alto titolazione acido-base
Descrizione dei prodotti


Our Nylon Modifier combines the advantages of nylon and rubber to improve the performance of many applications. It has a high elastic modulus of rubber and is toughened at extremely low temperatures. This special modifier is a great option for sectors needing durable and adaptable materials since it provides remarkable elasticity, high tensile strength, and increased low-temperature toughness.The nylon modifier is intended to improve the characteristics of polyamide (PA) materials, such as nylon, by combining high rubber elastic modulus with ultra-low temperature toughened PA. This modifier dramatically raises the composite’s elasticity and hardness by adding rubber particles to the PA matrix. Rubber’s high elastic modulus guarantees outstanding flexibility and resilience, and its ability to toughen at extremely low temperatures enables it to resist extremely cold temperatures without losing its mechanical integrity.

W1P is ethylene-propylen-diene monomer with functionalized maleic anhydride,which is especially suitable for super-tough or cold-resistant nylon.

It is functionalized with maleic anhydride, which is a chemical compound commonly used in the production of plastics and resins. This modification enhances the compatibility of the W1P with other materials, particularly nylon, and improves its overall toughness and resistance to cold temperatures.

Super-tough or cold-resistant nylon is a specific type of nylon that is designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions, such as extreme cold or impact forces. W1P is particularly well-suited for use in these types of applications because of its unique properties and compatibility with nylon. It can be used in a variety of products, including automotive parts, electrical components, and industrial equipment, among others.


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Articolo di prova Dati del test Metodo di prova
densità 0,87 g/cm³ ASTM D792

ISO 1183

Indice di fusione 0.1-0.4(190℃,2.16kg)g/10min ASTM D1238 ISO 1133
Innesto Alto titolazione acido-base

Table1:Typical Data of Toughening of PA6 Resin


Prestazioni Unità PA6 PA6+15%W1P PA6+20%W1P
Tensile strength MPa 60 55 50
Flexural strength MPa 90 80 70
Lzod notched impact strength (23℃)J/m 80 700 1000

Table2:Typical Data of Toughening of PA66 Resin

Prestazioni Unità PA66 PA66+15%W1P PA66+20%W1P
Tensile strength MPa 75 57 55
Flexural strength MPa 102 85 80
Lzod notched impact strength (23℃)J/m 80 800 1000



  • Increased Elasticity: By adding rubber particles to the PA matrix, the material gains extraordinary elasticity that allows it to tolerate repeated stretching and bending without permanently deforming. This qualifies it for uses like automobile parts, sporting goods, and industrial machinery parts, which call for flexibility and resilience.
  • exceptional Tensile Strength: The Nylon Modifier demonstrates exceptional tensile strength, assuring the durability and dependability of the finished product. It combines a high elastic modulus of rubber with an ultra-low temperature toughened PA. This qualifies it for high mechanical performance load-bearing applications such structural parts, gears, and bearings.
  • Increased Low-Temperature Toughness: This modifier’s capacity to toughen at extremely low temperatures enables the material to keep its mechanical qualities even in very cold settings. This makes it perfect for use in fields where exposure to low temperatures is widespread, including aerospace, automotive, and outdoor equipment.
  • Versatility: The Nylon Modifier with High Elastic Modulus of Rubber and Ultra-Low Temperature Toughened PA is a flexible solution for numerous industries and is simple to include into current PA formulations. To meet certain performance demands, it can be used either alone or in a blend with additional additives.

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  • W1P can be used for PA6 PA66 or PP super-tough.Increase the ultra-cold impact resistance and processability of material , decrease the water absorption,and greatly improve the cold resistance.
  • It can be used for the compatibilizer of nylon and polypropylene alloy.





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