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Nylon modifier

Modello n.: W1


Polyolefin elastomer grafted MAH W1 can be added into plastic products directly, and can also be prepared to antistatic masterbatch to combine with blank resin can get a better effect and homogeneity.
Modelli di prodotto W1
Indice di fusione _____
Tasso di innesto alto
Densità 0.88g/cm³
Prestazioni PA Reinforced filling, low temperature toughening

NOTE: The above data are typical test values and should not be interpreted as a specification low < 0.4wt %, medium

Descrizione dei prodotti


An revolutionary product called the Nylon Modifier was created to improve the performance and characteristics of nylon materials. This cutting-edge addition is designed precisely to change nylon’s properties, enhancing strength, durability, and adaptability. The Nylon Modifier is a vital tool for sectors of the economy that depend on nylon materials for a variety of applications due to its special composition and remarkable performance.

Polyolefin elastomer grafted MAH W1 is an internal antistatic agent widely used to polyolefin plastics such as PE, PP containers, drums (bags),(boxes), polypropylene spinning, non-woven fabrics. This product has good heat resistance, anti-static effect durable and efficient.

The MAH grafted onto the polyolefin elastomer provides a reactive site for the attachment of polar groups, which improves the compatibility between the polyolefin and antistatic agent.
Polyolefin elastomer grafted MAH W1 can be added into plastic products directly, and can also be prepared to antistatic masterbatch to combine with blank resin can get a better effect and homogeneity.


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Modelli di prodotto W1
Indice di fusione _____
Tasso di innesto alto
Densità 0.88g/cm³
Prestazioni PA Reinforced filling, low temperature toughening

NOTE: The above data are typical test values and should not be interpreted as a specification low < 0.4wt %, medium

  • The use of MAH grafted polyolefin elastomer as an internal antistatic agent offers several advantages over external antistatic agents. Internal antistatic agents are added during the manufacturing process and become an integral part of the polymer matrix, which improves the stability and durability of the antistatic effect. MAH grafted polyolefin elastomer also has good heat resistance, which allows it to be used in high-temperature processing applications.
  • In addition to its antistatic properties, MAH grafted polyolefin elastomer can also improve the mechanical properties of the polymer matrix. The addition of MAH grafted polyolefin elastomer can improve the tensile strength, elongation, and impact resistance of the polymer matrix.
  • Overall, the use of MAH grafted polyolefin elastomer as an internal antistatic agent is a versatile and efficient approach to improving the performance of polyolefin plastics in various applications

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Enhancing the mechanical characteristics of nylon materials is the main objective of the Nylon Modifier in terms of functionality. This additive is added to the nylon matrix to increase the tensile strength, impact resistance, and overall toughness of the material. The Nylon Modifier serves as a reinforcing agent, enhancing the material’s resistance to outside pressures and lowering the possibility of failure or breaking. Additionally, this addition enhances nylon’s dimensional stability and heat resistance, making it appropriate for high-temperature applications.

Typical application(advantages)Application:

1. Can be used for nylon. Processing, reduce water absorption

2. Can be used for Used as compatibilizer for nylon, polypropylene and polyethylene mixed alloy

3.Can be used for PA6/PA66 compatibility, toughening, etc. Improve the impact resistance of d for nylon macromolecular modifier (coupling agent) for mineral and glass fiber filling







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