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Film coestruso multistrato Additivo

Modello n.: K2B


I vantaggi degli additivi per film coestrusi multistrato includono una maggiore durata di conservazione, la conservazione della qualità, la sicurezza del prodotto e l'efficienza dei costi.
Aspetto Granuli bianchi o giallo chiaro
Indice di fusione
(190℃, 2,16kg): g/10min
Contenuto di anidride maleica Alto
Densità(g/㎤) 0.94
Descrizione dei prodotti


Additives for multilayer coextruded films play a significant role in improving the functionality and performance of packaging films that are utilized in the food packaging sector. Some of the benefits that these additives provide include enhanced barrier qualities, the capacity to seal with heat, increased mechanical strength, and printability. An extended shelf life, the maintenance of quality, the protection of the product, and cost efficiency are some of the benefits that come with the use of multilayer coextruded films additives. Among the applications that these additives find in the food packaging sector are the packaging of fresh produce, the packaging of meat and poultry, the packaging of dairy goods, the packaging of snacks and bakery items, and the packaging of ready-to-eat meals. Packaging professionals are able to improve food packaging solutions that satisfy the strict criteria of the industry by harnessing the features and benefits of multilayer coextruded films additives. This allows them to ensure that packed food products are safe, of high quality, and appealing to consumers.


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Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.




Aspetto Granuli bianchi o giallo chiaro
Indice di fusione
(190℃, 2,16kg): g/10min
Contenuto di anidride maleica Alto
Densità(g/㎤) 0.94

For the purpose of enhancing the qualities of packaging films and making them more suited for use in food packaging applications, additives for multilayer coextruded films have been developed expressly for this purpose. These additives offer the films a number of important characteristics, including the following:

  • Barrier Enhancement: Multilayer coextruded films additives are designed to improve the barrier qualities of packaging films. Therefore, they offer efficient protection against moisture, oxygen, light, and other external factors that have the potential to affect the quality of food goods and their shelf life.
  • Heat Sealability: Additives improve the heat sealability of packaging films, which ensures that closures are secure and prevents leakage or contamination of food items that are packaged. This characteristic is especially important for flexible pouches, trays, and lidding films that are utilized in the preparation of food packaging.
  • Mechanical Strength: The addition of additives to multilayer coextruded films increases the mechanical strength of packaging films, making them more resistant to tears, punctures, and other types of physical damage that may occur during the handling, shipping, and storage processes.




Extended Shelf Life: The enhanced barrier qualities that these additives provide effectively protect food goods from moisture, oxygen, and light, which results in better product freshness and a longer shelf life for the food product.

Quality Preservation: The additives that are employed in multilayer coextruded films help to preserve the quality, flavor, aroma, and nutritional content of food goods by preventing the degradation that is caused by external factors such as air, humidity, and ultraviolet radiation.

Product Safety: The enhanced barrier qualities of packaging films that are as a result of additives contribute to the safety of food goods by reducing the likelihood of contamination, the growth of microorganisms, and the appearance of deterioration.


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Certificazione ISO14001:2015
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There are numerous uses for additives that are used in multilayer coextruded films in the food packaging sector. These chemicals make it possible for consumers to receive food products that are both safe and of excellent quality. Among the specialized applications are the following:

a) Packaging for Fresh Produce A protective barrier against moisture, oxygen, and microbial contamination is provided by additives that are included into multilayer coextruded films. This barrier ensures that fruits, vegetables, and salads remain fresh over a longer period of time and that they have a longer shelf life.

b) Packaging for Meat and Poultry: The enhanced barrier qualities of films that contain additives help to preserve the quality, flavor, and safety of meat and poultry products by reducing the loss of moisture, oxidation, and the introduction of pathogens.

c)Multilayer coextruded films additives aid to the preservation of the texture, taste, and nutritional qualities of dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter, by inhibiting moisture absorption and maintaining a controlled environment. This is accomplished through the packaging of dairy goods.

d) Snacks and Products Sold in Bakeries Packaging: The additives that are used in packaging films protect snacks, cereals, cookies, and bakery items from moistness, oxygen, and light. This helps to ensure that these foods maintain their crispness, freshness, and flavor for a longer period of time.

e) Ready-to-Eat Meals Packaging: The barrier enhancement that is offered by additives in multilayer coextruded films helps to preserve the taste, texture, aroma, and nutritional content of ready-to-eat meals. This helps to ensure that consumers are satisfied and that they have the convenience they need.


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