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Modificatore nel film incapsulante fotovoltaico

Modello n.: R1120


Coace® R1120 è un copolimero di etilene funzionalizzato chimicamente da utilizzare come modificatore nei film incapsulanti per il fotovoltaico.
Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Densità 0.87 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Temperatura di fusione 46 DSC
Portata di fusione (190℃2,16kg)) 8- 15 g/10min ASTM D1238
Gruppo funzionale Contenuto Alto wt% Metodo COACE
Aspetto Granuli / /
Colore Traslucido o bianco / /
Descrizione dei prodotti


Coace® R1120 is a chemical functionalized ethylene copolymer to be used as modifier in photovoltaic encapsulant film.

A novel polymer formulation called Chemical Functionalized Ethylene Copolymer was created especially to modify photovoltaic encapsulant films. With its improved qualities, this special copolymer ensures effective energy conversion and a longer service life for solar modules, improving both performance and durability.

Considerable benefits come with the Chemical Functionalized Ethylene Copolymer when it comes to modifying solar encapsulant films. This copolymer guarantees dependable energy generation, prolongs the life of the module, and improves mechanical qualities and electrical insulation. It also assures chemical functionalization. Because of its wide range of applications in the solar energy sector, it is a useful way to improve the longevity and efficiency of photovoltaic systems.


Attrezzature avanzate!

Dotata di linee di produzione avanzate e di un centro di prove sperimentali per garantire la qualità del prodotto.

Forte forza tecnica!

Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.




Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Densità 0.87 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Temperatura di fusione 46 DSC
Portata di fusione (190℃2,16kg)) 8- 15 g/10min ASTM D1238
Gruppo funzionale Contenuto Alto wt% Metodo COACE
Aspetto Granuli / /
Colore Traslucido o bianco / /


  • Chemical Functionalization: To improve adherence to different substrates and increase compatibility with other encapsulant materials, the copolymer is subjected to a chemical modification procedure that introduces particular functional groups.
  • Better Mechanical Properties: The encapsulant film’s mechanical strength, flexibility, and tear resistance are all improved by the modified copolymer, offering superior defense against environmental stressors such moisture, temperature swings, and UV rays.
  •  Improved Electrical Insulation: The copolymer has exceptional electrical insulation qualities that reduce the possibility of an electrical failure and raise the durability and efficiency of solar panels over time.
  • Excellent Transparency: The modified copolymer keeps an excellent optical transparency, which enables the solar cells to receive light efficiently. This feature optimizes energy conversion and raises the photovoltaic system’s overall efficiency.




Weather Resistance: The copolymer exhibits remarkable resilience to weathering, including UV radiation and temperature fluctuations, guaranteeing sustained functionality and robustness in outdoor settings.
Low Moisture Absorption: The altered copolymer has low moisture absorption, which keeps the encapsulant film from deteriorating and helps it to retain its mechanical and electrical qualities over time.

Enhanced Module Performance: Il copolymer’s chemical functionalization raises il solare modules’ general efficiency dependability. Esso reduces il possibility di power losses due electrical deterioration, umidità intrusion, delamination. Extended Service Life: By improving il encapsulant film’s toughness resilience weather, il modificato copolimero extends il life di solare moduli while lowering maintenance replacement expenses. Compatibilità con present Processes: Il copolimero è realizzato work con il present methods for producing encapsulant films, meaning che esso may essere easily integrated into production lines without requiring major changes il processes.


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Certificazione Coace!

Certificazione ISO9001:2015
Certificazione ISO14001:2015
Registrazione REACH UE

Corea K-REACH pre-registrazione

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To be used as modifiers to imparts crosslinking to the cured polymer providing chemical resistance and other properties.

Soluzione per settore

It is primarily developed for use as a modifier in solar encapsulant films that uses the Chemical Functionalized Ethylene Copolymer. It is used in a number of contexts, such as:
a. Solar Energy Industry: By increasing energy conversion efficiency and guaranteeing long-term durability, the modified copolymer improves photovoltaic module performance and dependability.
b. Photovoltaic Encapsulation: This method works well for shielding solar cells from mechanical stresses, moisture, and UV rays. The copolymer increases the overall dependability of the module by strengthening the adhesion between the various layers of the encapsulant film.
c. Outdoor Applications: Photovoltaic installations in outdoor settings, including as solar farms, rooftop systems for homes, and portable solar gadgets, are perfect for the modified copolymer.

Coace ® R1120 should be stored in dry conditions and protected from UV-light. Improper storage conditions may cause degradation and have consequences on physical properties of the product.
VITA DA SCAFFALE:6 months from the date of delivery, in unopened packaging.

Per qualsiasi altra applicazione che superi questo limite, si prega di contattare il proprio rappresentante COACE Chemical.



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