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Maleic Anhydride Grafted Polymer for Plastic Modification with Good Fluidity, Temperature Resistance and Aging Resistance

Modello n.: W1G -2


Coace®W1G-2 è un elastomero stirene-etilene-butilene-stirene modificato con anidride, dotato di buona stabilità e resistenza all'invecchiamento.
Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Aspetto Granuli
Colore Bianco o giallo chiaro
Densità 0.89 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Portata di fusione (190℃5kg)) 0.1-1 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto di anidride maleica Centro wt% Metodo COACE[1]
Descrizione dei prodotti


Grafted polymer with maleic anhydride offers remarkable value and efficacy as a chemical addition for plastic modification. This polymer modifier allows plastics to reach their maximum potential because of its excellent grafting efficiency, fluidity, temperature resistance, and age resistance.

Coace®W1G-2 è un elastomero stirene-etilene-butilene-stirene modificato con anidride, dotato di buona stabilità e resistenza all'invecchiamento.

The key features and benefits of Coace®W1G-2 include:

Stability: The anhydride modification improves the stability of the elastomer, making it resistant to degradation when exposed to environmental factors such as heat, oxygen, and UV radiation. This ensures that the material retains its properties over a longer period.

Aging resistance: Coace®W1G-2 exhibits excellent resistance to aging, meaning it can maintain its performance and physical properties even after prolonged use or exposure to harsh conditions. This makes it suitable for applications requiring long-term durability.

Elasticity and flexibility: Like other SEBS elastomers, Coace®W1G-2 possesses exceptional elasticity and flexibility, allowing it to stretch and recover without permanent deformation. This property makes it suitable for applications where resilience and deformation recovery are crucial.

Processability: The thermoplastic nature of SEBS elastomers enables them to be easily processed using conventional thermoplastic techniques such as injection molding, extrusion, and blow molding. This facilitates the manufacturing and customization of products using Coace®W1G-2.


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Dotata di linee di produzione avanzate e di un centro di prove sperimentali per garantire la qualità del prodotto.

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Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.




Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Aspetto Granuli
Colore Bianco o giallo chiaro
Densità 0.89 g/cm3 ASTM D792
Portata di fusione (190℃5kg)) 0.1-1 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto di anidride maleica Centro wt% Metodo COACE[1]

Notes[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4-0.8wt%); High(0.81-1.2wt%);U high(1.21-3wt%).

A specific type of elastomer called Coace®W1G-2 is an anhydride modified Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene-Styrene (SEBS) elastomer. The properties of rubber and plastic are combined in a class of thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) called SEBS elastomers. In addition to the processability and heat stability of plastics, they feature exceptional rubber-like elasticity and flexibility.

Coace®W1G-2 has a unique formulation property known as anhydride modification, which is the addition of an anhydride functional group to the SEBS polymer structure. The elastomer’s stability and resistance to aging are two benefits of this modification. The anhydride groups may react with different chemicals or functional groups to strengthen cross-linking and increase durability.



Grafting Efficiency: The excellent grafting efficiency of W1G-2 guarantees a robust chemical connection between the polymer backbone and the maleic anhydride. Grafting makes it possible for the additive and the plastic matrix to work together, which promotes the modified plastic’s homogeneity and dispersion.

Excellent fluidity of W1G-2 makes its insertion into plastic blends simple. Its low viscosity lowers the possibility of processing errors and improves overall product quality by ensuring seamless processing and homogeneous distribution throughout the plastic matrix.

Temperature Resistance: The grafted polymer has exceptional temperature resistance, continuing to function and retain its characteristics at high temperatures. It is appropriate for applications requiring longevity and thermal stability because it maintains its strength, stability, and impact resistance.

Aging Resistance: shows remarkable resistance to aging, retaining its characteristics and functionality for protracted periods of time. It ensures the endurance and dependability of the modified plastic by fending against oxidation, UV radiation, and environmental variables.


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Certificazione Coace!

Certificazione ISO9001:2015
Certificazione ISO14001:2015
Registrazione REACH UE

Corea K-REACH pre-registrazione

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Polyamide and its composite compounds, such as PA6, PA66, PA/FR, etc., are to be employed as impact modifiers.

Employed as compatibilizers for polyester blending materials, such as PC/ABS materials, etc.

Soluzione per settore

Automobile Industry: Grafted polymers are utilized to modify plastics for usage in dashboards, external parts, and interior trims. It satisfies the demanding standards of the automobile sector by improving the modified plastic’s mechanical qualities, temperature resistance, and age resistance.

building Materials: MAGP is used to modify plastics that are utilized to make pipes, profiles, and insulation products, among other building materials. It ensures the longevity and functionality of these materials in building applications by enhancing the modified plastic’s mechanical strength, thermal stability, and aging resistance.

Electronics & Electrical Appliances: Grafted polymers are used to modify plastics for electrical appliances and electronics, including housings, connectors, and insulators. It guarantees the dependability and safety of these items by improving the modified plastic’s mechanical qualities, aging resistance, and flame retardancy.

Consumer products: MAGP is used to modify plastics for toys, household products, and packaging materials, among other consumer goods. It produces lasting and superior goods by enhancing the mechanical qualities, temperature resistance, and age resistance of the modified plastic.









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