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Agenti di accoppiamento funzionalizzati all'anidride maleica per la lega PA PPO

Modello n.: W1G-4


Gli agenti di accoppiamento funzionalizzati con anidride maleica emergono come additivi indispensabili nel regno delle leghe PA PPO, offrendo compatibilità e miglioramenti delle prestazioni senza precedenti.
Aspetto Granuli bianchi
Indice di fusione (190℃, 2,16kg): g/10min 3-9
Contenuto di metacrilato di glicidile Alto
Densità(g/㎤) 0.88
Descrizione dei prodotti


W1G-4 is a high-quality Maleic Anhydride Functionalized Polymers PA PPO Alloy Compatibilizers. Maleic Anhydride Functionalized Coupling Agents are a key achievement in polymer science that aim to improve the compatibility and interfacial adhesion of PA and PPO in alloy systems. At their core, these agents are functionalized with maleic anhydride groups, which operate as reactive sites for strong connections with both PA and PPO molecules. This distinct molecular structure improves the compatibility and mechanical qualities of PA PPO alloys, producing materials with greater toughness, impact resistance, and thermal stability

Maleic Anhydride Functionalized Coupling Agents emerge as essential additions in the field of PA PPO alloys, providing unmatched compatibility and performance improvements. Their unusual molecular structure, which contains maleic anhydride functional groups, allows for strong bonding between PA and PPO, resulting in alloys with outstanding mechanical capabilities, thermal stability, and chemical resistance. From automotive to consumer applications, the benefits of these coupling agents are felt across multiple industries, enabling innovation and efficiency. As we continue to push the boundaries of polymer science, these agents serve as critical enablers, propelling PA PPO alloys to new levels of performance, durability, and adaptability.


Attrezzature avanzate!

Dotata di linee di produzione avanzate e di un centro di prove sperimentali per garantire la qualità del prodotto.

Forte forza tecnica!

Più di 10 esperti tecnici di R&S guidano l'innovazione continua.




Aspetto Granuli bianchi
Indice di fusione (190℃, 2,16kg): g/10min 3-9
Contenuto di anidride maleica Alto
Densità(g/㎤) 0.88


  • Maleic Anhydride Functional Groups: The coupling agents are distinguished by the presence of maleic anhydride functional groups, which facilitate covalent interaction with PA and PPO chains and improve interfacial adhesion.
  • Enhanced Compatibility: Their functionalized structure enables customized interactions with PA and PPO, increasing compatibility and minimizing phase separation in alloy systems.
  • Improved Mechanical Properties: PA PPO alloys treated with these coupling agents have excellent tensile strength, impact resistance, and flexural modulus, making them ideal for high-performance applications.
  • Thermal Stability: The coupling agents improve the heat resistance and dimensional stability of PA PPO alloys, making them more useful in applications that need high temperatures.
  • Chemical Resistance: These compounds help strengthen PA PPO alloys’ chemical resistance, ensuring durability and lifespan in severe settings and against a variety of chemicals and solvents.




Maleic Anhydride Functionalized Coupling Agents Offer Enhanced Compatibility. By encouraging strong interfacial adhesion between PA and PPO, these coupling agents eliminate phase separation and improve mix homogeneity.

Improved Mechanical Properties: PA PPO alloys treated with these compounds have higher mechanical strength, impact resistance, and toughness, making them suitable for structural applications.

Increased Thermal Stability: The agents improve the heat deflection temperature and thermal resistance of PA PPO alloys, broadening their application in high-temperature situations.

Reduced Moisture Absorption: Functionalized coupling agents reduce moisture absorption in PA PPO alloys, enhancing dimensional stability and lowering the risk of hydrolysis.

Versatile Processing: These agents make it easier to process PA PPO alloys, allowing for several fabrication methods like as injection molding, extrusion, and blow molding.


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Certificazione ISO9001:2015
Certificazione ISO14001:2015
Registrazione REACH UE

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    Applicazione tipica

    Impact Modifier for PA6/66 for high temperature needs;

    Adhesive for PA encapsulation

    Applicazioni nell'industria:

    Automotive Components: Maleic Anhydride Functionalized Coupling. Agents are widely used in the automotive industry to manufacture components like body panels, bumpers, and under-the-hood parts. These alloys are well-suited to demanding automotive applications due to their superior mechanical qualities and thermal stability.

    Electrical & Electronics: PA PPO alloys treated with these chemicals are used to manufacture electrical enclosures, connectors, and housings for electronic devices. The enhanced temperature and chemical resistance protects delicate components.

    Industrial Equipment: These coupling agents are used to manufacture machinery components, housings, and structural pieces that require great strength and durability. They are suited for applications requiring chemical and abrasion resistance.

    PA PPO alloys with better characteristics are used in a variety of consumer goods, including domestic appliances and sports equipment. Applications include blender parts, luggage components, and long-lasting consumer products that must strike a balance between robustness and aesthetic appeal.

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