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Highly dispersed polyester compatibilizer

Modello n.: W5F


POE grafted glycidyl methacrylate polyester compatibilizer. W5F polyester compatibilizer is based on POE. By introducing a strong polar reactive group GMA (glycidyl methacrylate), the material has high polarity and reactivity.
Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Aspetto Granuli
Colore Bianco g/cm3 ASTM D792
Densità 0.89
Portata di fusione (190℃2,16kg)) 10-18 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto di metacrilato di glicidile Alto wt% Metodo COACE[1]
Descrizione dei prodotti


W5F polyester compatibilizer is based on POE by introducing a strong polar reactive group GMA (glycidyl methacrylate).

W5F is a type of polyester compatibilizer that is designed to improve the dispersion of fillers and additives in polyester resins. One of the main features of W5F is its ability to provide good dispersion of these materials, which is important for achieving consistent and high-quality results in the production of polyester-based products. W5F can be used for flame retardancy, reinforcement, The modification of tough, filled, and other polyester materials can effectively improve the compatibility of composite materials and the dispersion of fillers, and improve product performance.

The good dispersion provided by W5F makes it a suitable material for use in the production of thin or large polyester products. Thin products, such as films or sheets, require good dispersion to ensure that the material has consistent properties across its surface. Large products, such as tanks or pipes, also require good dispersion to ensure that the material has consistent properties throughout its bulk.

A cutting-edge product called the Highly Dispersed Polyester Compatibilizer was created to improve the performance and compatibility of materials made of polyester. By addressing the difficulties involved in mixing various polymers, this compatibilizer is designed to enhance the general characteristics and functioning of the finished product. This compatibilizer has several benefits and uses in a range of sectors because to its special composition and remarkable dispersion properties.

Enhancing compatibility between polyester and other polymers like polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene is the main goal of the highly dispersed polyester compatibilizer. These polymers may be blended well with the help of this compatibilizer, which lowers interfacial tension and encourages molecular interactions, improving the mechanical, thermal, and processing characteristics. It serves as a link between several polymer chains, aiding in the blending of a uniform and stable mixture.

W5F can be used in a wide range of polyester-based products, including thermoset and thermoplastic materials. It can improve the mechanical properties of the resulting composite material, including its strength, stiffness, and toughness. It can also improve the heat resistance of the material, making it more suitable for high-temperature applications.

Overall, the good dispersion provided by W5F makes it a valuable material for improving the performance and consistency of polyester-based products. Its suitability for use in thin or large products makes it a versatile material that can be used in a wide range of applications.


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The main feature of W5F is good dispersion, it is suitable for thin or large polyester products.


Caratteristiche Valore Unità Metodo di prova
Aspetto Granuli
Colore Bianco g/cm3 ASTM D792
Densità 0.89
Portata di fusione (190℃2,16kg)) 10-18 g/10min ASTM D1238
Contenuto di metacrilato di glicidile Alto wt% Metodo COACE[1]

Notes[1]LOW<0.4wt%; Middle(0.4wt%-0.8wt%); High≥0.8wt%



1. Improved Mechanical Properties: Materials based on polyester have greatly improved tensile strength, impact resistance, and elongation at break thanks to the Highly Dispersed Polyester Compatibilizer. As a result, high-performance goods with better durability and dependability are created.

2. Increased Thermal Stability: This compatibilizer improves the thermal stability of polyester blends by encouraging improved polymer-polymer interactions. Because of this, there is less chance of thermal deterioration and the material is guaranteed to maintain its mechanical qualities even at high temperatures.

3. Superior Processing Properties: This compatibilizer’s highly distributed nature makes it possible to process polyester blends quickly and effectively. As a result, businesses may increase production rates and enhance product quality. It also decreases viscosity and minimizes processing flaws.

4. great Compatibility: The Highly Dispersed Polyester Compatibilizer has great compatibility with a variety of polymers, including crystalline and amorphous ones. Due to its adaptability, it may be used for a variety of applications and can be customized to meet the demands of a given industry.


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1. Can be used as a compatibilizer for PBT, PC, PET and glass fiber;

2. It can be used as a toughening agent for PBT and PC;

3. Can be used as PBT/PC alloy compatibilizer



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